Chapter 13: Two Choices

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Tré popped his lip and looked at me, standing up and pacing.

"Right. We have two choices. We can either stop all of this, and just be friends, or kinda try like a... trial thing." He said, turning on his heel to watch my reaction.

"Trial?" I asked.

"Yeah. Like, date for a while. But don't tell the paps," He explained. "So... you wanna try it?"

I played with my fingers as I replied "Yeah... it can't do any harm." He smiled wide and shuffled closer to me.

"So we're dating?" He asked, and I smiled back and nodded. He leant in and kissed me softly, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back.


When I finally got out of there,we decided we had to tell Mike.

We sat him on the couch and I tried to explain.

"Tré and I are doing this trial thing, where we date for like a week to see what it's like." He looked confused.

"So you're dating?" He asked.

Tré and I shook our heads. "No, it's just like, a test." Tré explained.

"Well, okay." Mike said, and Tré wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my head. Mike clutched his chest dramatically and groaned.

"What's wrong?" Tré asked.

"Trillie feels." Mike muttered before calling Brittney and telling her everything, and then asking her to come over.


Later that night, I was lying on my bed with Tré. Not doing anything, just looking at the ceiling. Suddenly he pulled me into his arms, and I rested my head on his chest. I liked moments like this. It was my time to think, and get totally lost in my head.

Tré understood this, and just lies there, being quiet and letting me think. He knows I like my quiet time sometimes.

I lay there, studying the ceiling as I thought, and suddenly a question popped into my mind.

"Tré, can we go on tour?" I asked.

He laughed and stroked my hair. "If you want." I nodded and closed my eyes.

"I'll call Rob in the morning and ask him to figure out dates and locations." I mumbled, pulling the blankets around us.

"Alright Beej. 'Night." Tré said, kissing my head sweetly.

"'Night." I smiled, cuddling up and falling asleep.

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