Chapter 1: Her Majesty's Schedule

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There's blood spilling from my legs, stomach, and mouth.

Not exactly a day I'd call pleasant.

I'm clutching my ribs from all the pain I received from being thrown directly against a wall and crashing through it, leaving an enormous hole.

I start to get up, but that last hit really left a lot of damage, and I immediately fall back on the floor.

Now completely covered in blood.

I have no other choice, but to try to heal myself before I die of blood loss. "Ugh...come...on..FOCUS!" I try to relax and channel all the energy I have left to call any plants near by.

I find one and ask politely to use it's power. It allows me permission and stretches its stem and roots toward me so I may reach it.

I finally grab on and channel the energy to transport from the plant to my hand, then move into my body and patch up my wounds.

I'm in the middle of the process when I feel a strong grip on my neck and I lose contact between the plant and me.

I'm lifted up into the air and realize there's one hand on my neck and the other, holding a sharp blade, against my heart.

"Heh, thought you could run away from me, huh?" The demon retorts. "Yeah, well what else would I'd be trying to do, dumbass." I say trying to reach out to the plant, hoping the demon won't notice, again.

"Look pretty boy I get your hellbent on trying to kill me, but can we reschedule this for another day? I'm kind of late for something else." I say trying to hold back a fit of laughter.

"You won't be cracking jokes when I'm through with you", The demon angrily speaks to me, strengthening his grip on my neck. "Cenzar!", he yells a command and another demon rushes in and immediately reaches his master's side.

"Yes..sir?" Baffled by the circumstances, the demon's eyes widen as he catches a glimpse of my face behind my hood. "Wait a minute? Didn't I kill you?!" The question brings a mocking snort from my lips and I smile devilishly.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." My response sparks anger to sizzle on the demon servant's face and I enjoy the reaction with half open eyes. "Cenzar! Would you stop standing there, trying to reason with a crazy person, and send for all my familiars!" The demon master barks his commands to his servant and I secretly call out to the plant without them noticing.

The moment the demon rushes out of the room, to do his masters bidding, more and more blood thirsty creatures start consuming the room with numbers.

The hand on my neck and the one holding the blade, that's starting to pierce my heart, hasn't moved positions. Leaving me in a tight hold.

"Alright my pets I have summoned you all to feast upon a meal of high quality!" As the familiars hear this, and see my body drench and stained with crimson, they snarl and growl impatiently to devour me.

"Ahem!" Swept over by a sudden wave of mischievousness, I catch their attention with a fake cough. "I would love to stick around and be the guest of honor, but I have a ride to catch!", I mockingly say and manipulate the air to whirl into a vast portal for me to escape through.

"Ah!!" A striking pain explodes on the side of upper chest and I howl with excruciatingly agony.

The demon master, aware of my escape plan, thrusts the blade deeper into my skin. "Your not going to leave so soon are you? After all the trouble I went through?!"

As he says this I make the magic, I was saving for this moment, inside me boil hotter and hotter until it engulfs my body in flames, burning demonic hands from me and getting an opportunity to escape.

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