Chapter 22: Spark Of A Bloody Solution

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Awaken by a blinding ray of sunshine, I hurriedly jump upright and rub my sleepy eyes as I tiredly yawn. "Good morning, my lady. Today's breakfast consists of your favorite meal. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, and orange juice."

I notice my butler already serving my orange juice as he stands next to my already prepared breakfast. I grab my tray as my butler hands it to me and begin eating as an awkward silence clings to the air.

Only a few weeks ago have I arrived to my castle and learned I was their crowning heir. Adjusting to my new surroundings have been difficult. No one my age works here and nor am I allowed to leave the castle to make friends. It's been boring and awkward to only be around adults.

"My lady?" I slowly raise my head to stare into the eyes of my butler, he pulls something off the cart and hands it to me. As I open the letter, I notice the distinct marking on it.

I read the letter quietly and as I read the very last line, my eyes widen at the sight. I begin to panic and stare helplessly at my butler. "What does this mean?" I ask, my voice trembling from the nervousness of the situation. "Maleficent is the guardian of the Forest and all of its inhabitants. Her power is legendary and it seems after her visit to the castle, she claims that you contain her same abilities",

With every word that Siva spills from his mouth, my pulse quickens and my breathing becomes shallow. "She wishes to witness your use of her abilities." As my butler finishes the last sentence, I cover my eyes and drown in worry. "My lady?" I raise my head reluctantly and find my butler with a raised eyebrow.

"Can I deny the invitation?" I ask with the little ounce of hope that remains in my mind. My butler shakes his head and I let out a groan of despair. "But! I don't even know what she's talking about! All she did was talk to me for a few minutes and now all of a sudden she thinks I have her powers?!" I begin my childish whining and again cover my face with my hands.

"My lady, as our heir you can turn into any monster or fairytale creäture you wish. Your abilities will continue to grow in number, therefore every time your body prepares for a new transformations, any magical creäture can sense it." I let my head hang off my shoulders as I take in Siva's words.

"So, your telling me when I'm going to gain access to new ability, any mythical creäture will feel it happening?" I summarized the long lesson and Siva nods his head respectively. "Yes, but the only way they will sense it, is when they smell your scent or blood." I shake my head as I realize the conversation I had with the winged guardian.

I held a banquet and invited all the leaders that would serve under my rule, sort of 'get to know your new queen' ball. Maleficent had approached me and she started a conversation.

In the moment I hadn't noticed the glassware I was drinking from had a slight chip in it. By the time I did, I had already pricked my finger. Siva rushed to my side to cover up the wound, but Maleficent had already caught a whiff of my scent. After she did, she immediately left the event.

"My lady, I know you haven't gained control of your power yet, but it would seem shameful if the queen were to deny one of her leader's invitation." As I hear my butler's words, I begin to accept the fact I don't have any control over the situation.

After finally swallowing my fear, I raise the bed sheets off my body and stand before my butler. "Okay, I'll go, but only if I get a chance to practice." After hearing my condition, Siva nods his head and bows before walking to the door. "I'll prepare the arrangements to leave at once, in the meantime please get dressed, my lady." With that I'm left alone inside my giant room.

The silence unnerves me and for some reason I feel as if there's another presence in the room. It could only be my imagination mixed with my worry, but strangely enough I only feel a different presence inside of me, not around me.

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