Chapter 15: Red Hearts And Black Wings

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I hear yelling and a loud commotion going on. I ignore the sounds and continue to sleep. I feel something soft brush against my nose. I get an itch and I scratch it, but I go directly back to sleep.

"Damn! She's immune to itches now!" I hear faint voices, but I dismiss them and continue to sleep heavily. I feel myself being shaken lightly, but then the shaking becomes more rough. I shift positions and I hear myself start to snore.

"Come on, Hatter! We need to find a way to wake her up!" I hear more movement, but I think nothing much of it. I suddenly feel paws around my waist and then I feel tickling.

I'm startled and I nearly jump out of my skin. I hop on my feet and kick the figure in front me, sending the person flying down from the tall tree. I whirl my head around and notice a table in front of the tree.


I say and take a closer look. I see teacups and teapots scattered all over the table!

"Oh no, not again.." I look around for the Mad Hatter, hoping he's alright from the impact of the fall. I spot him, but he's not moaning with pain, he's laughing his ass off.

I slowly look at what he's laughing at and notice the Cheshire Cat clutching his stomach, whining from the pain. "Oops." I slowly move down the tree with graceful swings and flips.

"Thank you." I tell the tree and place my palms on its wood. I let magic pump out of my hands and leave a marking. "This will protect you. If your ever in danger, this mark will tell me." I say and the tree bows and I bow in unison.

"Thank you, I will be forever grateful." The tree says and turns around to walk back to its position in the forest.

I slowly turn my head and notice the Cheshire Cat rolling on the ground. I smile bitterly and scratch the back of my head in embarrassment.

"Hehe..hi, Chessy!" I say and the purple striped cat stops moaning. His expression changes and he looks irritated.

"Hi." He says sarcastically, still clutching his belly, while the Mad Hatter continues to bellow with laughter. "Ahaha..ah! That funny!" The Hatter says between breaths.

He suddenly stops laughing and lightly kicks the cat on his side. "Oh! Don't be such a cry kitty and get up already!" He says as he helps the mischievous cat off his back.

The Mad Hatter walks away from the cat and hugs me tightly. "You're late! I've waited here for weeks!" He says and I smirk at him brightly. "I've been busy with boys!" I say and the Cheshire Cat stops whining and stomps towards me with a serious face, along with the now frowning Hatter.


They both say at the same time. I lift my hands in the air and wave them. "I'm joking! I'm mean he did kiss me and he gave me the tongue, but that doesn't mean anything!" I say laughing with delight.

They both gasp with shock and the Mad Hatter starts shaking me. "Are you mad?! Haven't I taught you any better!" He says and I shake my head, winking at them. "No, no you haven't Mad Hatter!" I say sounding sarcastic at the remark.

The Cheshire Cat morphs from his animal form and turns into a man, but he still has his purple striped fur, along with his cat ears and nose. "Is he human?" The cat says and I nod my head.

His ears shoot up and he frowns with disappointment. "If your going to date men behind our backs, at least choose someone with a little more style!" He says and I wave my hand at him.

My smile is thin and I speak in a soft voice. "Actually, I'm not really sure I should continue to date him. He just kissed me, but I don't know how I feel about him. I don't know what love is, so I'm confused about his feelings towards me." I say and both of the men's expression soften a little.

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