Chapter 24: Battlefield On The Border Between Worlds

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Magic forcing our bodies through the portal at such a top speed, we arrive to the battlefield with only minutes to spare.

Landing on the crystal floor, we arrive at the border.

It's beautiful. Too beautiful to hold a battle.

We're standing on a piece of land consisting only of a gate and tower. As far as the eye can see, the floor is completely crystal and glass. No trees, no grass, no animals, not even a sky.

Everything sparkles so beautifully that all the crystal and diamond material is breathtaking. The tower is miles from where we stand and the gate is so far away I can faintly make it out.

The air, however, smells deeply like roses and I feel a powerful force of magic clinging to the air, unlike in the human realm. As I adjust to the comforting environment, I almost forget the reason we're here.

Regaining my focus, I can notice my soldier's fighting stances and realize Smith has already arrived with his soldiers too. Raising my hand in the air and announcing for my troops to let me pass, they obediently make way and I walk through the aisle toward my demonic foes.

With every step I take, I can feel the power of the gate surge more powerfully in my veins. Trying to resist the call of the gemstone, I continue to walk toward the damn secretary and his slutty girlfriend.

As I reach the demonic soldiers, Nicholas barks an order and they move away to allow me passage, just like what my soldiers did. Of course as I walk past each demon they snarl and growl at my presence.

Some even begin to threaten me, spit out vile curses, and even fake attacks by pretending to pounce on me, but in spite of their annoying attempts to scare me, I still elegantly walk past them with a mocking smile.

Once I reach Nicholas, I place two fingers to my neck and summon a certain demon. "Evan, I hope you're ready. It's time." Mumbling the order, I notice another portal forming in the air. To both Nicholas' and Erika's surprise, demons come flooding out of the portal and stand beside my soldiers.

Knowing my soldiers will confuse them for the enemy, I raise both my hands and wave them in the air. The soldiers notice the signal and obediently allow the demons to stand beside them as allies. "What is the meaning of this?!" Hearing an unsatisfied remark coming from Nicholas, I grin and turn my gaze back to him.

"Oh? You haven't been told? One of your demon masters have betrayed you and joined my side." Smiling triumphantly, I enjoy Nicholas' glare and frown. However, Erika only blushes instead of burning with anger like Nicholas.

Her reaction confuses me and I turn around to see what she's staring at. I then understand her shyness as I see Evan gracefully walking to my side.

He has a beautiful smile plastered to his face as he faces Erika. His actions spark a bit of jealousy in me as he grabs Erika's hand and kisses it. "A pleasure to see you again, miss Brooke. The same to you Nicholas, however it's not a pleasure to say our contract is exterminated."

Intrigued by Evan's words, I stare at him with a raised eyebrow to ask what he means. Watching Evan nod, he lowers his head and I can feel his warm breath next to my ear. "He's made several contracts with the demon masters awaiting their escape back at our realm. That's why he has so many troops in hand."

As Evan whispers the new information into my ear, I almost burst out laughing. "You were so desperate to win, you've made several contracts to secure your power? How pathetic, truly." Scoffing at Nicholas' anger, I almost miss Erika aiming her fist at me.

Before her fist can come in contact with my face, Evan clutches Erika's fist to protect me. "I won't allow you to cause harm to my master, miss Brooke." Evan's words bring more rage into Erika, but nonetheless she complies.

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