Chapter 12: The Imprisonment Of Insanity

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I'm laying down on a cold surface. My stomach still hurts, so I continue to clutch it. My throat is burning too.

I slowly open my eyes and notice I'm in my room, the lights are off. I get up and open the door, all the lights are off too.


I jump out of my skin when I hear a loud voice.

Miss me?

I relax when I realize its only the voice inside my head.

Now! Should we start where we left off?

I start to laugh after hearing that ridiculous remark. "No! I said I was going to learn how to control you and I meant it!" I say with a firm voice.


I glare daggers after that remark. I hear diabolical laughter and start to lose my confidence.

Little miss princess wants to control her insanity. How quaint. Face it kid, you'll never control me!"

I bite down hard on my lip to avoid screaming. I'm not going to let it ruin my reasonable thinking. "Oh, shut it already! You know I can! Why else are you trying to make me feel defeated?!" I say and hear more mocking laughter.

So? How was your date? Was it romantic? Just like a fairytale?! Ahahaha!

Shrinking back in fear, I bite my tongue and keep my composure.

What's the matter? Scared your insanity might hurt your Prince Charming?!"

I tighten my hands into fists and continue to talk. "Stop messing with me! Just take a moment to actually listen to me!" I scream with frustration and clench my teeth.

Oh, I am listening. Loud and clear! So far, I already know that you want to avoid talking about your boyfriend because your scared. Scared, that you might actually get him involved.

I cover my ears, trying to avoid the topic.

You're right to feel scared. I'm not going to allow a stupid blue liquid to silence me anymore. I'm going to control you instead. I'll murder the man, I'LL MURDER ANYONE WHO GET'S IN MY WAY!

I fall on my knees and shake my head aggressively. "No! No! NONONO!" I scream and shout with horror.

Ahaha! That's right! Cry, cry, cry! I just love that reaction! Go! GO TAKE YOUR ANGER OUT ON SOMETHING!

I can't control myself anymore. I suddenly lose most of my reasoning. I race around the room knocking things down. I smash everything, anything I find.

I like it.

"HAHAHAHAH!" I scream with delight as I see the shattered glass and pieces on the floor. It amuses me.

Go! Break down the door! Let's have some real fun!

I race to the door and pound on it hard. It won't break. This angers me, a lot. I use magical blasts to try to smash it, but nothing is working. I grab a lamp and throw it at the door.


Shit! We've been trapped. You see what people do to you?! There afraid, so they lock you up to assure their safety!

I howl with anger. I go into everyone's room and destroy all the pictures framing up the walls. "DIE! DIE! DIE! AHAHA!" I love it, it's so relaxing.

Do you love these people?!

I look up at the ceiling and shake my head.

That's right! There just pawns in your game! Listen to me Elizabeth, you have to destroy them! Or they'll destroy you first! Haven't you learn anything from that horrible day?!The day you were 'burned'?!

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