Chapter 2: The Intruder

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I'm opening my door, distracted by thought, but when I sense movement I'm on full alert.

I jerk my head to the left where I sensed the movement and I find a dark skinned girl standing there.

She's really short like about 5'4. She's wearing blue skinny jeans and a white shirt that says 'I LOVE WHALES!', which intrigues me.

Her shirt is worn with an oversized green jacket with a checkered pattern. She has her hood on, so I can't tell whether her hair is short or long, but I can see it's brown.

Must be a tomboy with the lack of fashion sense.

" did you get in..I locked the door, but more importantly who the hell are you?" I ask sounding a little worried.

"Huh, you know for a rich girl I thought you'd have a better place. I take it your broke maybe?" She says, hands in her pockets, and acting quite rude.

"Look kid if you don't get out of my damn apartment I'm going to call the police!" I say sounding irritated from her earlier comment.

"Heh..I thought by now you'd understand that the police are no match for us." She says sluggishly leaning against a wall.

"Wait..what do you mean by..'us'?"

I ask confused and even more worried than I was before.

"Oh, so your rich and stupid. Sorry, I thought you'd be smarter, but anyway when I mean by 'us', I mean them and I."

She says angering me and pointing toward the other side of my living room.

I'm angry, but I'm still acting on reason, so instead of trying to argue with her, I turn my head toward where she's pointing and I freeze on the spot.

"Demons?!" I say shocked that they've found me.

"So, would you care to tell us where the queen is hiding? Or would you rather have my friends rip you to shreds?" The girl says with a devilish smile.

I stand in my place dumbstruck with the threat she spoke.

"Wait..what?" I say.

"Don't play dumb with me I know who you are!" She says with a hint of irritation.

"...And who exactly am I?" I say trying to not sound confused.

"Gah! You're Asjha Maiden and you know where the queen is hiding, you dumbass!" She says yelling at me and then I realize the demon beasts are drooling all over my floor, probably imagining what I might taste like.

"Jeez, you're so mean.." I say mockingly. "For the record I'm not Asjha, I'm someone much worse!" I say laughing menacingly.

I set my food aside and I race toward my room.

"Gunis! Kurtis! Get her!"

I can hear the girl send commands to her demon beasts, but I block them out when I frantically try to look for my cape. Once I find it I slam the door shut with a magic seal, but it will only hold them off long enough for me to transform.

I hold the dark blue cape in my hands and I touch the ancient stone and moments later the cape is floating in midair. I raise my arm and try to reach the cape and once I've made contact, it devours me and I feel a magical force changing my clothing.

I look into the mirror and I see my tradition uniform.

My uniform resembles a leotard that exposes my back, with tights making my legs look pale, it also has added thick straps falling off my shoulders and the color of my uniform starts out purple from the top, but starts to blend into blue as it reaches the bottom and decorated, only on my sides, with sequin-black colored flowers and vine print.

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