Chapter 16: Pawns, Not Lovers

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Hordes of demons rush towards me in organized troops. I stand in the same spot and I sluggishly smile at their expressions.

The demons raise their weapons and prepare to fight. I merely laugh at their determination and whistle as I nod at a tree.

The demons are reluctant and confused at first, but when they feel an incredible impact hit them, they're on high alert.

"I honestly don't care how aware they are of me, I'll I want them to know is that there going to die and I'm probably going to pay someone to piss on their graves! Hahaha!"

I notice a disgusted look on the demons' faces and I take a moment to think. I place my thumb on my chin and stare nonchalantly at them.

"Oops! Did I say that out loud?!"

I say faking a guilty face. I race toward them and call for the tree that hit them earlier. The tree lifts itself off the ground and attacks the demons.

They fight back, hitting and stabbing the tree. I let magic flow through my hands and I create a protective circle around the tree.

Distracted by the enormous tree, I raise my wings and fly upwards. I float in midair with my wings flapping rapidly and I take a look around. I wonder in the air as I check the demons.

I lay down on a branch and lazily watch their failed attempts.

This is boring.

I think to myself and I slowly command other plants and trees. They come to the scene and I point them toward the demons. They listen and thrash themselves at my foes.

They rip and shred the demons to pieces. I fuel the green soldiers with magic and make them twice as effective.

I yawn and stretch my body lazily as if I was a cat. I start to snooze off when I hear a loud roar.

With my experience of warfare I assume the new demon entering the scene is some kind general.

"Oh goodie, the entourage."

I say with my wicked tongue and the demons freeze as they hear my threatening voice. The demon general looks at his fallen soldiers and looks back at me.

"Don't look at me, I was just minding my business."

I say as I kick my foot backwards as it hangs from the branch I'm laying on. The demon general's face heats up and he glares at me. I laugh it off and hop on the ground. The demon barks a command and his soldiers run to attack me.

I want to see their blood drip on my cold hands, I want to smell their fear, I want to rip their skin right off their bones, I want to hear their miserable cries of pain and mercy, and I want to taste their ridiculously delicious flesh!

I curl my fingers and jump in the air to send a wave of icicles toward the demons. The icicles puncture their eyes and skin, causing me tremendous amounts of joy.

I flap my wings and fly head-first towards bellowing demons. I raise my arms and hurl fire at them, they shriek and howl with pain. I enjoy their cries of torment and marvel at the scene.

The demon general, incredulous of my power, stands in shock. I fly straight towards him and lower my head intending to stab my horns through his body.

I'm knocked to the side by a great invisible force and hit a large tree, crushing the bones on my right side. I laugh at the pain and stand on my feet again.

I see a boy around the age of 13 stand near me and stare at my bruised body. He's wearing a traditional sorcerer's uniform and a hood is covering his face.

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