Chapter 18: Toying With Death And 'Friends'

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I sluggishly walk through the dark streets of the suburbs only with the streetlights giving the way home.

I'm clutching my stomach and breathing heavily. Blood drips from my mouth as I pant and, in between moments, I cough the red liquid up.

My eyes are barely open and my legs are weak and trembling from the pain of the excess bullets left in my skin. Only a couple of times I've stumbled and almost fallen on the concrete pavement.

In my mind I can still remember the gruesome events from earlier at my apartment. The woman was a much stronger and dangerous opponent than what I expected, but because of my pride I fought until I couldn't anymore.

In the end the woman won and I had to shamefully retreat by jumping out a close window and sprouting my dragon wings from my back. I would have flown all the way to the twin's house instead of walking, but my stamina was too low to keep my giant wings flapping in the air.

In my blurry vision I can slightly see the twin's house nearby, so I try to quicken my pace, but my legs tremble violently and I fall hard on the sidewalk. I clench my teeth from the large pulses of pain seeping through my body. I curl my fingers and try to stand up, but my heavy body is too great for my weak, slender arms.

I stay on the hard floor and with the little energy that I have, I scream the twin's names to alert them of my presence. I keep screaming like a madman and I pound on the ground to call their attention.

No answer.

I scowl and I let out a vile curse as I channel magic into the palm of my hand. A small blue-colored ball of light springs out of my hand and floats quickly toward Alexander's room. I've used up all my power and strength, but my will hasn't run out yet.

I keep my eyelids open and I forcefully clench my teeth from the pain. As the last traces of hope flea my mind, a clumsily running boy stumbles out of the house. I smile with relief as I notice the blurry figure running to my aid is Alexander.

He dashes to my side and once he's notice the damaged that's been inflicted on my body, he worriedly tries to pick me up. As he stands on my right he puts my right arm around his neck and he puts his left hand on my waist to support me.

I'm taller than him and I weigh more, so I assume this is terribly hard for him, but he pushes on and continues to support me. He stumbles a couple of times, but his balance comes back to him as soon as it leaves his body.

He eventually leads me inside the house and starts to scream for help knowing his strength is starting to disappear. The first one to come running down the enormous staircase is Jean.

He's followed by a worried Ava and a confused Noah. They all descend off the stairs and come to my aid. Ava hurriedly grabs a first-aid kit and clumsily tries to bandage my wounds, but I raise a hand to stop her attempts.

Jean understands my refusal and quickly grabs the same bouquet of lilies off a table. I mentally talk to the lilies and they entangle themselves on my entire body. Jean lifts me up and rest my body on a nearby couch.

My clothes disappear and the lilies' petals cover every inch on my body. After the lilies have healed my wounds and my strength has recovered, I stand up and the petals change color and become my usual clothing: a crop top and mini skirt.

Ava and Noah gasp in shock, but they recover their composure when I give everyone a glare. "Remember when I said we would start our mission tomorrow after school?" I ask Noah and Ava. They both nod and listen intently.

I walk over to their kitchen and sit down on their counter. "We can't. We have to start now." I say and they all stare at me with sleepy, wide eyes. "But we have school tomorrow and we need to rest." Noah says first and I cross my legs as I rest my elbow on my knee.

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