Chapter 9: Insanity At It's Best

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"YOU SAID I WANTED YOU!" Starting to lose my breath from the excessive yelling, I begin to pant. "AH..WELL, YOUR RIGHT!" My hands are trembling from fear and anger, but out of stubbornness I tighten my hands into fists.

Pure hatred runs through me and my thoughts are solely focused on murder.

"I DO! I DO WANT YOU! The demons want to make me lose control, through you! I CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN!" I say and hold back more tears. I'm not going to cry again. I won't show weakness! "SO YOUR EITHER WITH ME, OR AGAINST ME!" Having said my final command, I aggressively stomp my foot down and clench my teeth shut.

I wait for an response.

My heart is beating rapidly. You could hear my pulse from a mile away, but don't misunderstand, it's not fear, It's the adrenaline running through my veins. I'm not going to allow myself to get scared anymore!

How can you be sure, do you think I will be loyal?

It finally answers and I raise my head to stare at the ceiling. "Because your me! You're my insanity!" I begin. "So, if you betray me, I'll get rid of you!" I say and hear more mocking laughter.

Your right, I am your insanity. The only problem is, you can't get rid of me. Like you said, I am you.

Hearing the dreaded response from my insanity, my eyes widen and my hands begin trembling. "Your right, I can't get rid of you...but I can sure as hell silence you!" Clutching my hands with brute force, I control my fear and keep my composure.

Always so positive. How annoying.

After hearing the comment I turn on my smart ass gist. "Aw! You love me!" Grinning from my sudden mood swing, I cover my mouth and muffle my laughter.

So? You want to control your insanity. You want to control me. How?

Suddenly snapping out of my laughing fit, the seriousness of the situation hits me and I take a moment to consider the question. "Practice! I'll practice! I'll get better!" Letting determination cling to my voice, I hear mocking laughter.

I won't make it easy. I will try to destroy your mind. I will try to ruin you. All. For. Fun.

Hearing the sly answer so clearly, I begin to regret my decision, but I can't stop now. I've come to far to give up.

"I ACCEPT! I ACCEPT! I ACCEPT!" Screaming my answer I try to drown out the thoughts of giving up. Then I hear a snicker echo through the room.


I drop to my knees. I feel like my head is about to explode. I clutch my head. I clench my teeth from all the pain. My heart's beating rapidly. "Aaah!" I scream and feel my eyes change into my signature color, purple. I can feel my pupils shrink.

Then. There's. Silence.

Asjha stands in silence. She heard the entire conversation Elizabeth was having with herself.

She's speechless.

Ashja's breathing becomes heavier and louder by the second as she walks closer toward the door, but out of fear she comes to a halt. Her heart feels like it's going to jump out of her chest.

She's worried. Her best friend just went insane. She has no other choice. She needs to help her. Asjha is tough, she's sassy, she's mean, and she always speaks her mind. That's the type of person she is.

"Like hell I'm going to back down!" After a moment of collecting her thoughts, Ashja's determination sparks inside of her and she quickly moves to open the door. Resting her hand on the doorknob, Ashja slowly let's the door creak as she opens it.

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