Chapter 23: Tieing Up Loose Ends

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The Border Between Worlds.

An ancient barrier that separates different realms and their civilians.

Unless, I allow them permission, of course.

The Queen of The Fusing Kingdoms of Monsters and Fairytale Creatures. The only person with subconscious magic and powerful abilities to manipulate her body to transform into any creäture she desires.

Yes, this power is indeed amazing, but with every blessing there is a curse. I have come to learn that through the most painful circumstances ever imaginable.

Unfortunately, I'm only 17.

Still a child.

Still innocent.

However, what I am, is not an accident.

The day I was chosen to become a queen, after the kingdoms' magic chose me as it's vessel and successor, I was given the authority to control the passage between worlds.

It happened so suddenly, I was taken and placed in front of an ancient gemstone. I placed my palms on the gemstone's surface and immediately felt a surge of new magic stream into my veins, but at the same time I felt my veins delivering blood to the stone.

When the bond was created, the beautiful stone of magic and I connected with each other. It was a part of me and I was a part of it.

The problem is, Connor J. Smith knows this. I don't know how, but he does and that's all that matters. He knows that if he can't get his hands on me, he can rather snatch the stone instead.

It's basically the same thing when I hold this bond. Therefore, he'll have to break it and steal it's power, but that's where I come in.

I gained a second identity as the Protector, therefore I wouldn't have to worry about the political problems that I would faced if I asked to become a warrior and still rule as their queen.

My people didn't want to gamble with my life, since I am their only heir and a child for that matter.

The point is, as the Protector it is my duty to make sure Connor J. Smith dies at my hands.

That's all to it, really.


"Young Mistress! This is malarkey! You know there is no need for a war!" After announcing my decision on the matter, my guardians have lost their minds over my protection and safety.

Siva goes on and on about his disapproval, which almost causes me to snore. "Yes, Connor J. Smith has a variety of followers, however, they're not even trained soldiers! Most of them are businessmen and scientists!"

I created an extra room in the twins' mansion and named it as our private conference room to come up with a sort of compromise about whether we should announce a war.

I've been stuck in this room all day.

"Although I understand that Smith has an army of demons supporting him, you know most of them are still trapped in their realm waiting for their promised escape! Basically, Smith doesn't actually have an army at all!" Completely bored senseless from Siva's lecture, I sigh from tiredness.

"Your point is?" After completely losing my patience, I end up cutting Siva off quite rudely. Siva finally quiets down and stares at me with an angered expression, obviously offended.

"Young Mistress, please tell me you've been listening." Of course, Siva second guesses my interest and I end up sighing from frustration. "Yes, I have." I answer with simple words and try my hardest to stay polite.

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