Chapter 19: Ensnared By Hell's Claws

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I pin the woman down and wrestle her on the ground. Her smile hasn't faded and its starting to irritate me.

"When I sleep with someone, I always go on top!" She says as she clutches my waist with her legs and twirls herself on top.

She puts her hands on my neck and tries to choke me. My eyes bulge out of their sockets and I thrash wildly.

"!" I shriek and punch the woman with my knee. She winces with pain and, in her brief moment of distraction, I throw her off me.

It's been like 10 minutes already, what is taking you so long?

I scowl and block another attack from the woman. "If you want this to end quicker, let me focus!" I yell and the woman stares at me with a hint of confusion.

"I wasn't talking to you!" I say as I jam my foot against her head. Blood drips from her ear and she growls at me.

She pulls a gun from her stiletto and aims it at me.

Okay, I've had enough of this! If she can use guns and knifes, you can use your goddamn magic!

I stand frozen on the spot as the woman smiles in that seductive way again. "But!" I protest and glare at the woman.

Does it look like she's playing fair?! Rub that stupid smug off her face and show her your true power!

I clench my teeth and swallow my pride for the second time this week. "Damn you!" I say and the woman chuckles lightly as she fires bullets at me. I jump in the air and dodge all the bullets.

"I'm flattered." The woman says sweetly and I pounce on her. My claws extend from my fingers and I snatch the gun from her hand, snapping it in half from anger.

I clutch her chin and my claws dig into her skin. She winces from the pain and its my turn to laugh mockingly.

"I chose the perfect place to kill you." I say gruesomely and let my claws dig deeper into her skin. She screams with agony and her knees fall to the ground.

"I've been going easy on you, but that ends here." I whisper and she kicks my belly, causing me to lose my balance and fall on the ground.

On the ground I transform my body into a notorious monster that will scare that woman out her skin.

A harpy.

"What the hell..?" She stumbles back with fear as green feathers sprout out of my skin.

Narrow green wings slowly extend from my back with crooked movements. I fly off the ground and some feathers shed from the wings and flow around me gracefully.

I shriek menacing and rapidly dive toward the woman like a missile. The woman starts to run away, but I gleefully try to catch up with her.

I snatch her off the ground with my talons and swing her around in the air as I high as I could possible go. She lets out horrid, blood curdling screams and I laugh at her expression.

Unfortunately, my joy is interrupted when I feel a stinging pain in my right wing. I whirl my head around and notice a hole where the pain is.

We've got company.

I scan the ground and find a man wearing a stylish, but casual, black suit. Quite attractive too.

"Ah!" After hearing the woman's cries for help, I snap out of my thoughts and fly straight toward the man for an attack.

My talons expand and I prepare to pounce on the man, until I see him use a long-range gun and notice him fire more bullets at me.

Of course, I dodge them with ease, but I sense something strange coming from the man. I fly toward him again and notice he's holding a stone.

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