Chapter 20: Dealing With Ungrateful Pawns

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Ashja and I run past hallways and turn swiftly at corners. Ashja is already out of breath and I waver my vision to look out for any security.

"Ah..ah..why did we stop running?" Ashja asks and I raise a finger to my lips to silence her. Before I do anything else, I dismiss my insanity and focus my attention solely on stealth.

I turn invisible and quietly knock out two security guards. Ashja looks at them in bewilderment until I drop my invisible card.

"I'm never going to get used to this..!" She says and I grasp her arm to usher her to run. "Nope." I reply as we both dash toward a hall.

"Where..ah..exactly are we going..?" Ashja asks and I sniff the air with my canine nose. "I'm trying to find my butler."

I say as I find his scent again and dash toward it. "Your what?!" Ashja asks and I swiftly turn a corner.

"And my doctor..and Mr. Sullivan." I say and Asjha tugs on my arm to stop me from running. I come to a halt and stare at her with confusion.

"Our math teacher?! This doesn't make any sense?!" She starts to panic, but I merely roll my eyes and pull her arm to begin running again.

"I'll explain everything, but with time! For now, just run!" I reply and she reluctantly nods her head.

I knock out a couple more guards on the way and eventually find the room my butler, and the rest of my staff, are in.

"Stay here and alert me if anyone comes." I tell Asjha and she gives me a thumbs up as she bends over to pant her ass off.

I open the door and find everyone chained up to the walls. "What is it with demons chaining people up on the walls..?" I grumble as I race toward an unconscious Siva.

I entangle plants around his body and use my magic to heal him instead. He's not injured though, it just seems like he hasn't eaten or slept in a while.

Siva slowly open his eyes and when he sees me he smiles with relief. "Young..mistress..?" He asks with the little strength he has left.

"Shhh..I'm here now." I say as I unchained him from the wall. I used my magic to conjure up food for Siva and the others to eat.


"Even in a time like this you continue to humor me." Siva remarks and I chuckle lightly. "Just eat, I put some Voodoo Vitamins that should make your recovery quicker."

I say as I unchained Jinx. "I'm so proud." He says and I smirk at him. "I'm happy to hear that I've finally made you so proud." I respond and he frowns with confusion.

"You're the youngest heir we've had in history, so what makes you think you have an obligation to make me proud?"

He asks and I chuckle as I give him a warm smile. "I used to have a crush on you." I reply and shock the others.

"W..what?!" Jinx asks as he coughs up a bit of his cheesecake. "Yes, I am also confused, I mean I'm the handsomest here!" Siva remarks and I roll my eyes at him.

"I found Jinx attractive because he was so cold and cool. You, however, we're just annoying! Especially, when you made me jump off that cliff!"

I retort and everyone groans at my response. "Could you just get over that already?!" All of them say at the same time and cause me to pout.

"Heh, well it's nice to hear that you admired me so much." Jinx says as he finishes up his last slice of cheesecake.

I scoff at his expression afterwards. "Oh please, I wasn't that interested." I say as I still keep my pride in place.

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