Chapter 4: Her Butler, A Legal Guardian

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I wake up and I notice my throat hurts like hell.

I realize I also have a running nose and start sneezing like crazy, but the worst part of it all is, I have a killer migraine.

I hear movement in the living room and assume it's Bree. I walk out of my room, but before I do, I look at my clock and realize it's twelve in the afternoon.

"Hm...hey Bree where were you...achoo!..I was worried..achoo!" I say sneezing countless times into my sleeve. I look up and notice the person in my living room isn't Bree.

"Oh kill me now!"

I say when I notice it's Siva standing there. "It's nice to see you again too, Young Mistress." Siva says bowing. "I thought you were coming here next week!" I say coughing uncontrollably.

"Yes, I was, but after I heard from Elliot you were in a vulnerable and horrible state I knew I had to rush over here as soon as possible." Siva says as he quickly cradles me in his arms and sets me down back on my bed.

"This place is a mess! I thought I taught you better than this, Young Mistress." Siva says taking my temperature.

"Sorry, I've been pretty busy lately." I say groggy. "Yes, I know Elliot has told me you've gone through loads of stress and health issues." He says standing over me checking the thermometer.

I take a look at my steward butler and realize he's wearing casual clothing, which involves only a knitted and yellow, creamy-colored sweater with black plants and just socks, instead of his usual sophisticated butler suit.

His metallic white hair has grown and has his bangs, which he keeps tucking behind his ears, and his lean body has gotten taller as well, but his green emerald-colored eyes and pale skin have stayed the same.

"Hey, Siva your still 28 right?" I ask him as I start to cough a little more. "Yes, I am, but you should really be more concerned about your condition." He says.

"Sorry, it's just hard to tell with the white hair." I say grinning. "I see Elliot hasn't gotten rid of your wonderful humor." Siva says sarcastically as he leaves my room.

"Please, that snitch can't do nothing to me." I say to myself a little lightheartedly, alone in my room.

Siva comes back with a towel and a bowel of soup. "Young Mistress, please try to take it easy from now on. Your literally burning up and you're getting paler by the minute!" Siva says scolding me and puts the towel on my forehead.

"Ah..that feels nice." I say enjoying the cold damp towel.

"Young Mistress, I don't mean to act imprudent, but I do have to ask you something." Siva says looking at me suspiciously.

"Uh..sure I don't mind." I say lying. "When I arrived late last night I noticed the guest room had been preoccupied." Siva says giving me his hardest look.

"Oh! Really..that's weird..heehee.." I say lying awkwardly. "Young Mistress, would you also care to explain why there were a pair of teacups, plates, and silverware in the sink?" Siva says glaring at me.

"Okay fine! Jeez...I had a friend over last night, but he-" I say, but then I'm interrupted by the sound of Siva's voice.

"WHAT?! You let a man sleep here?!"

Siva says bursting with anger. "No! He just ate dinner with me and left!" I say and Siva face seems to calms down. "Alright, than why does the guest room look like somebody had been there for days!" Siva says folding his arms.

"Well, I was helping out one of my friends that needed a place to crash." Siva begins to run a hand through his silky, white hair and by the simple jester I can tell his thinking.

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