Chapter 25: Her Majesty, Moving on

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It truly is a mystery.

An agonizing mystery that brings great sorrow to those it touches.

I should know, I've handled too many deaths for my age, but I've still managed to handle each one of them and still come out unscathed.

But...the memories are far more painful and effective than to witness a loved one's death so suddenly.

It weakens us.

It weakens all of us, but if we decide wisely, it won't dominate and rule over our lives.

If only Nicholas Shane could see that.

If only everyone could see that.


Leaning over the ledge, all I can do is stare aimlessly at the dead body that once belonged to a living being.

Landing on my knees I force back hot tears and push the memory of Collin Shane's noble attempts from my head.


Ignoring the sudden movements coming from behind me, I rest my head against the crystal wall and let my shoulders drop lifelessly.

"Wh..what are you doing..? Where's... Smith..?! WHERE'S NICHOLAS?!"

Knowing the body of Erika Brooke is no longer unconscious, I raise my head and stare at the sparkling ceiling.


Raising my hand in the air, I let a magical blast of energy spark from my hand. It hits the ceiling and a blinding light becomes as the result of it, allowing me a short window to escape while Erika is blinded by the light.

I run past her and fly down the stairs.

Of course, on the way I hear the horrid, miserable cries of Erika and I know by the gruesome threats, that I won't see the last of the tortured bodyguard.

Flying my way back to the crystal battlefield, pure hatred runs through my veins. Remembering the honest, pure wishes of the little boy and watching his demons let his sudden death go by unnoticed, brings a sort of anger that sparks my magic inside of me.

"Retched demons! Can't you see it's over?! He's dead! DEAD!"

Feeling frustration rise in my throat, I spit out a giant blast of fire that spreads rapidly over the demons, burning them without hesitation.

I let my enormous body land on the crystal floor, and as I summon the magic I have connected with the gemstone, I stomp on the ground and wake up a few beasts can that can put an end to this stupid battle.

Feeling the rumbling from the ground, I can tell my back up is coming without wasting any time.

I smirk as I see dragons, giants, and sea monsters rush to my side, of course they're all made of diamond and crystal.

"Kill all the demons! Only the ones who aren't fighting along my soldiers!"

Following my orders, all of my monsters and fairytales attack with blind loyalty as I make my way to my servants.

As I finally reach them, all they can do is stare in awe at my new, enhanced form. "Y..Young Mistress?! Is that you?!" Relieved to see all my servants alive and with little damage, I smile and nod my heads at their shocked expression.

"I've discovered a new form. Only, this form belongs to me."

Seeing Jean as the first one to rush up to me for a hug, his body passes right through me and he lands on the floor. Jinx, of course, makes fun of him and starts another round of bickering, only to have Elliot dismiss it as he refocuses their attention back to me.

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