Chapter 21: The Lustful Marking

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I hold on tightly to Siva's waist as he maneuvers our Pegasus with ease. "Young Mistress." I turn my gaze and focus on Siva as I stare at the back of his head.

"Yes?" I reply bluntly after I've let insanity leak from my vocal chords and pull it back to my mental chains. I loosen my hold on my butler's waist. "Are you feeling alright?" He asks with deep concern in his voice.

"Does this have to do with my earlier Soul Banishment to Limbo? If it does, I certainly don't regret my decision." I speak cruelly and nonchalantly at Siva's concern.

"You don't understand, Young Mistress. This isn't the first time you've done something so heartless." He replies and I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Are you starting to lose faith in me?" Is that what you're going on about?" I say threateningly as Siva turns around to face me. "No, of course not." He quickly replies and I scowl at him.

"Then what is it?!" I ask losing my temper and Siva lets out a sigh. "You've changed." He says seriously and my features soften.

"What do you mean?" Siva turns his gaze back toward the front where he can control the Pegasus. "Your becoming more..arrogant..more manipulative..more conniving."

He speaks and I pause my reply to gaze at the back of his head quietly. "You forgot shrewd." I add and Siva sighs once more, but mostly from frustration this time.

"You cannot be this way, Young Mistress. This is not the way of a traditional queen." Siva says scolding me for the second time already. Then it's my turn to sigh from frustration.

"Siva, please tell me your meaning of a 'traditional queen'." I ask trying to hold my composure. There's silence before Siva responds.

"A kind, caring and gentle ruler that will always lead our kingdoms to success with words, not violence." He whispers solemnly and I can tell his cheeks have a tint of pink.

"You are a fool then, Siva Da'Vean."

I flip my body over Siva's and land in front of him to take control of the Pegasus. I kick the Pegasus' side and force it to land on an approaching rooftop.

The Pegasi that were following behind, follow the leader and land on the roof as well. Along with the rest of my colleagues and staff.

Ava, Noah and Ashja hop off their Pegasus with confusion plastered on their faces. Jinx, Elliot and Jean do the same as they approach their higher-up.

"What the hell? Why did we stop?" Jinx says a bit agitated and then Jean quickly follows. "The very breasted woman from before could have plans to follow behind us! We should get going as soon as possible or they'll find our trail!"

Then it's Elliot's turn to pitch in. "Your still bleeding from the wound miss Madeline gave you, so the demons could easily find your scent!"

Just to add to the suspense, my colleagues jump into the conversation too. Ava steps up first. "Boss, your staff is right-" I lose my temper and yell at everyone in sight.


Silence clings to the air, but shortly after a series of gasps are let out. Rage seeps through my fingertips and they begin to glow a frightening purple color.

"Who else has the same views as Siva?!" I scream and my staff stare at me, baffled by my question. "W..What do you mean, Young Mistress?" Jean asks a bit timidly and I grit my teeth.

My head cracks and twists violently as all my teeth sharpen and lengthen in size. "Do you all question my actions and orders?!" I yell threateningly and steal a glance from Siva.

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