Chapter 14: Her Majesty, In Wonderland

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I hear a voice inside my head.

It's not insanity.

Well..not yet.

The point is, its the voice of my cape. "What do you want?!" I ask, panicking after Siva dropped the bomb on me.

Chant the spell I'm going to tell you. I need you to keep chanting it until I say so.

I hear the command and, even though confused, I nod my head. I throw the covers off me and prepare to chant the spell. I hear the words clearly in my head and start chanting them.

I try to focus solemnly on the words and not the loud crashes and booms coming from the living room. I open my heavy eyelids and stare into the mirror in Jinx's room.

My eyes have changed color. They changed from a dark brown to an enchanting purple. I keep chanting the spell, but then I start to panic. I realize the spell is the same one that I used to end the blue liquid from my bloodstream.

I'm going to gain my ability to walk again. I start to rummage Jinx's things. If the attackers see my eyes, they'll know I'm the protector. My uniform isn't the only thing that reveals who I am, the color of my eyes also names me.

It's a dead giveaway.

I continue to rummage the closest furniture near the bed, I haven't gained the ability to walk, yet. I find a strip of cloth and realize its a black handkerchief. I tie it around my head and cover my eyes. I've chanted the spell for a while now, but I still can't move my legs.

Try to wiggle out of bed. Your legs will be a little shaky, but you'll have to endure.

I hear the request from my cape and, as I continue to chant the spell, I force my legs to move. I use my powers and I transform into The Werewolf. Even though I can't see, all of my other senses have heightened.

I smell wood and clutch the desk near the bed. My legs feel like lead and I can barely move them.

Just barely.

My legs shake violently and I stumble a couple of times. I finally find the door and walk outside into the hallway.

I sniff the air as I lean against a wall for support. I smell something stench the air.

Its blood. 

The scent isn't familiar. The blood must belong to the attackers. I clutch the wall and continue to drag my heavy body into the living room. I dig my claws into the wall as I turn a corner. My legs are barely supporting me.

I suddenly hear a scream and launch myself into the closet furniture. "Young mistress?! How are you walking?!" I hear a familiar voice and realize it's Siva. "Get out!" I hear a voice that resembles Jinx's and dodge what I feel is an attack.

I hear a clicking sound and then a loud bang. I duck under what feels like the counter and I sniff the air. I don't smell more blood, but...I smell gunpowder.

"What the hell..." I mumble under my breath and I start to howl uncontrollably. I think my predator instincts have kicked in! I rise off the floor and tighten my hands into fists.

My legs have fully recovered. I throw myself off the counter with one hand and growl, intimidating the men as well. I sniff the air and find Siva and Jinx's scent. On instinct, I ignore them, but the rest aren't so lucky.

My ears shoot up and I can hear movement in every inch of the room. I dash to a target and strike my claws into the victim's chest. I snarl and hiss as I hear another clicking sound.

I dash and sense movement. I run up to my target and grind my jaws into my next target's back. I tear at the flesh and nibble on the bones.


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