Chapter 17: Back To The Chains Of 'Reality'

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I spend an hour discussing my strategic plan with my followers. I propose that when I arrive back home, with the help of ancient magical stones, since I don't know the spell to transport to earth, I'll have to recruit a team that will have the knowledge and strength to find Connor J. Smith.

Of course, I'll have to recruit the team after I've confirmed Siva and the others are alright.

I explain the last bit of my plan and wait to hear suggestions from the others. Red is the first one to criticize me.

"I'm not really comfortable with you recruiting humans, what if you'll have to show your identity? I don't believe they'll take you seriously, but let's say they do believe you, they could bring problems to The Kingdoms if they spill the truth to the rest of the world."

Red finishes and the others nod their heads and mumble in approval. I rest my palms on the table as I'm standing up.

"First of all, I don't think anyone will believe them, people will just take them as insane lunatics, but if they do I will assure you I will kill them before they can create problems for The Kingdoms."

I complete my promise and stare carefully at their reactions. Hatter and Ches both stand up together to ask about my options. "Are you sure human recruits will suffice?"

Ches asks me with a wagging tail that means mischief and pride. "I have to agree, humans tend to snap in half when it comes to combat."

Hatter says snapping a twig in half to make his point, but what makes me perplexed is where he got that twig in the first place. I shake the thought away and ponder to answer their questions.

"I would use monsters or fairytale creatures instead, but humans would seem as the better option, since they'll have more knowledge of their home turf, that I'll be prowling."

I say and cause the others to nod in agreement. I grin with pleasure as I see everyone's approval, but my smile fades as I notice Jean's brooding expression.

As if on cue, Jean stands up and catches my attention. "What will you do if Siva and the others aren't alright?" He ask me but I lower my head to show confusion.

"What do you mean?"

I ask and the others start to listen intently and await Jean's response. "What if the intruders captured Siva and the others? What if there guarding your apartment and awaiting for you to come back and save your companions? I don't know about you, but I'm sure you'll be expecting a trap." Jean finishes and the others start agreeing with him.

"You don't have to worry your pretty little head about that, I have friends I can stay with until I deal with the intruders."

I respond and everyone else remains silent. I erase the white board and put the marker back where it belonged. Now that my plan has been laid out I can finally tell the others of their positions in my strategy.

"I will quickly begin my plan and I also have to assign assignments for the rest of you.."

I begin and the others shift in their seats awaiting my orders.

"All of you must stay out of my way. No one will interrupt me, no one will stop me, and no one will especially question me. Is that clear?"

I demand attention to myself as I speak with complete authority toward the others. Their expressions are in complete denial, but they hold back their protests, seeing as how my ranking is higher than all of theirs.

I walk out of the room and shut the door as I leave. I continue walking until I find a familiar scent. I knock on a door and wait for a response. "Come in, it's open!" I hear the reply and waltz into the room, but I don't see anyone inside.

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