Chapter 11: First Romance

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"Oooh! This one looks pretty!" Bree says as she digs through my closet. She's picking all the clothing my wardrobe designer, Jean, designed for me.

He's different from all the others. If he was here, he would probably be rooting for me. Saying things like 'This guy better be a gentleman!' Or like 'If he doesn't kiss you after this, dump him.' He acts like this on purpose only when there's a guy involved.

He wants to make sure I live happily ever after with my Prince Charming. Can you guess which side he's from in The Kingdoms?

"Oh! Oh! Try this one!" Bree says and forces me to try on a pink frilly dress, somewhat similar to the one from the boutique.


"No, I don't like the way it makes my legs look slender." I say and Bree starts to pout. "That's exactly why you should wear it, idiot!" She says and I sit back on my desk. "Let's negotiate. Pick out a dress that you like and I'll agree or disagree, so in the end well pick something we both like. Okay?" I say and Bree nods her head.

Well, it's better than having Jean pick out clothing for you, right?

I nod and agree with my magic. Jean would probably force me into wearing something without any 'buts'. "How about this one?" She ask and I look over and see an aqua green dress. "I don't mind the color, but don't you think it's a little revealing?" I say and Bree widens her eyes. "Oh! You're right, it's not revealing enough!" Hearing the response, I growl with frustration.

This'll be fun. Regret anything, yet?

I hear my magic and scowl at it. "It's better than letting my stupid babysitters think I'm vulnerable." I say whispering at my magic. "How about..this one!" Looking up I notice Bree pulling out a purple lace dress.

"Oh!" I gasp in shock as I realize it's the same dress I wore when I went to my first official social gathering. I was a nervous wreck, but I had my council cheer me on.

I remember Siva would bite his nails as he watched you interact with some of the guests.

I chuckle as I remember the memory.

Jean would be right beside him too, wondering if his dress was good enough for you.

I laugh harder when I remember that. Bree just stands their gawking at me. "Is this dress special?" She asks and I nod my head. "Well, then wear it! The good memories will distract you from getting nervous!" She says and I take a moment to decide.

The babysitters will get angrier if they see you wear that dress. It'll make them feel forgotten!

"Alright, I'll wear it!" I say, taking the advice from my snickering magic. After that, Bree decides she wants to do my make-up. I'm reluctant at first, but when she says she's been practicing and looking at trendy magazines, how could I say no?

20 minutes have passed and I'm starting to get worried.

Calm down, it's just make-up. How hard can it be?

I listen to my magic and start to breathe more slowly. When Bree is finally done, she makes me walk in front of a mirror. I look at myself, judging every aspect. The purple lace dress makes my legs look slender and frail. The finger-less lace gloves I'm wearing, make me look a little gothic. Along with the make-up I have on, smokey, creamy eyeshadow and rosy cheeks with a pale lipstick. The dress also make my breasts look fuller and flattering.

Eh, 2/3 isn't so bad.

"And the award for best make-up goes to her stylist, Bree something!" Bree says and we both laugh. I walk for the door, but Bree stops me.

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