Chapter 5: The Troublesome Victory

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I fly past buildings, dogging them as well, until I finally reached my college. I land swiftly on my feet and rise to look for anything out of the ordinary.

I silently stand for 2 minutes, until time continues to tick by and I end up waiting for 4 minutes..7..11..13..

Then I suddenly lose it.

"Gah! Where the hell is all the goddamn action?!" I say jumping up and down, throwing a temper tantrum.

I suddenly receive a call from my watch. "It's the general from the fairytale side..." I mutter and answer the call.

"Your highness! The new authority you granted us for the interrogation worked!" She says and I remember the meeting I had with my generals during my detention.

"So? What did you find?" I say intrigued by this sudden outcome.

"The unidentified beings were demons in disguise! They weren't going to kill you at wonderland, they were going to capture you!" She says and my eyes widen.

"Demons? Well that's no surprise, since they sent their weakest kin to continue the attacks on The Kingdoms. They must have needed their strongest to capture me." I say coolly and the general agrees with me.

"Yes, your highness now that we have discovered this new data I must warn you to be careful. They might continue to look for you."

She says and out of nowhere I hear a loud boom, I whirl my head around and notice fire and smoke rising from one of the buildings.

"Thank you general, but I have to go!" I say and hang up as I race toward the scene and knock the door down with a single kick. I hear screams and try to pinpoint the noise, but it suddenly stops.

I turn around and see my reflection in one of the locker doors.

Crap! I'm still wearing my pajamas!

I quickly hide behind a corner and look around for any witnesses. Once I check the coast is clear, I call for my cloak and it comes flying over me at top speed.

Once it lands on me, I start to transform and my identity is completely concealed. After I'm finished, I run ahead and turn my watch on.

"General!" I yell and continue to contact anyone. "Your highness! The demons are attacking from the rear of the building your now in. They have a sorcerer fighting among them, along with other unidentified mages."

I've run out of the building, taking the directions from my general, and I burst out of the doors.

"You weren't kidding..."

I mutter to myself and gawk at the view. I count at least 30 demons and 10 mages, but only 1 sorcerer. I look around and finally find my generals and some of my soldiers fighting gruesomely. I dash towards them and pry information from them.

"Why the hell are there mages and a sorcerer fighting along with the demons?!

What the hell are demons even doing here?!

What the hell is going on?!"

I say blasting balls of fire at our enemy. One of my soldiers runs in front of me to block an attack. He later digs his sword into the demon's mouth to which blood gushing out in the process.

"Huh..? Oh!..uh thank you!" I say smiling as polite as possible. The soldier returns my smile and continues to fight on the battlefield.

"That's one of our newest recruits, my lady. I hope you see his skills and strengths are exceptional?" My general asked me, but I take a moment to respond, since I'm trying to pry off a demon's head off with my bare hands.

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