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• Sarah •

"Watch where you're going!" A man shouted and i cursed myself. I should have brought my walking stick but i was in a hurry to get out of that damn house

Don't get it wrong. I do have heighten senses but i was so in thought about how this was a bad idea and now i don't know how to get home that i forgot i was at a busy street

"Maybe i should focus on getting somewhere less busy first " i said to myself

Maybe i could just get a cab and pay for it when i reach home? Nice. I grinned to myself

But i don't know how to get a cab, my grin fell and i crouch down, trying to rip my hair from my head 'how foolish was i to think that this was a good idea!"

I started walking aimlessly and this time to make sure i hear and sense everything. Being blind from when i was young helped although i was really shaky and walking really slow making people hitting me

My eyes were thankfully not whiten or showed any sign of blindness so people could not know i was blind (except if they were really smart and noticed all the signs from me walking really slow and shaky)

I heard whimpering of a dog to my right side and cars. Without thinking i ran to the whimpering dog ( i could hear his whimpers so i followed it) and confidently covered it

Waiting for the car to make impact on me but it never came. I opened my eyes , welcoming the darkness and my heighten senses

I felt the heat from the car near my face so that meant they stopped in time. I blew a breath of relief

"Do you wanna die?! Who the fuck made you hero and told you to run infront of a car" the man, i could assume the driver of the car, shouted

"You almost hit a dog" i exclaimed

"Ugh get away from the road" he said and then i hear the slamming of door but not before i hear him muttered "foolish girl"

I crippled my way back to the streets and stop when i felt there was less people at this area

"You okay puppy ?" I said, cradling the puppy. "You gotta be careful. People here are somewhat worse" i sighed 'no wonder my grandma jailed me in the house'

The puppy leaned his face onto my hand , i smiled

Suddenly i felt someone in front of me "who are you?" I asked, tightening my grip on the puppy

"It was stupid of you to run infront of a car only to save a dog , u foolish blind girl" he growled

I gasp "i wanted to save a dog so i did. I can do whatever i want, if i be killed then it's my time , wh- wait how did you know i was blind? NO did you followed me? Wai-" i got cut off

"Shut the fuck up" he growled

"Can you not say it nicely?" I asked

"What the fuck am i doing" he muttered, sighing

"Come, i'll send you home" he said

His a freaking stranger! But i'll be dead either way. I stay here then i die cause i doubt this area is safe . I follow him and he turns out to be evil, i'm dead

I sighed "i'm blind remember"

He groaned and pulled my hand. He held my hand and brought me to his car

His hand was totally much bigger than mine and i could feel that he was way taller than me , cause my head bumped to his chest

There was a certain aura that i could feel around him

A dangerous aura actually
• • •

He parked in front of my house and we sat quietly for awhile "get out then" he said

"Thank you" i smiled and got out

But before i closed the door i ask "what's your name?"



• Prince Eli •

What the fuck is this feeling


New Story!!! I hope you guys liked the prologue . Please just comment away what do you think about it and if it is good or not , criticism is ok

Chapter one will be published soon :) take care

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