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• Sarah Haynes •

I was sitting in front of my house, waiting for Elijah to come but it sounds he like was not coming and my grandma and i were about to go. I let out a sad sigh and stood up

"Is your friend coming?" My grandma ask, i shook my head and let out another sigh "don't cry now"

"I'm not " i groan, my grandma is so mean to me! I heard a laugh "okay pouty baby" i felt her arms linking with mine and pulled me to her car "what are we gonna do again when we're there?" I asked, she did told me but i was too busy zoning out hah

She let out an exasperated sigh which i giggled to "well first we got to wait for centuries to meet them then hopefully if i'm still alive, you give them this file for them to approve" she said with a joking tone and putting the file on my lap. I nodded "but can't you hand it for me" i said with my puppy eyes that never will work on my grandma but i'll try anyway

"You're the one that needs the approval sweetie" my grandma stated, i could hear the smugness in it . I groaned, how long do i have to wait. There must be millions of people wanting to meet the royal family

The journey took half an-hour and it was filled with music and remarks from my grandma. She has always been there for me and i'm glad that it is her and not anyone else, i could be dead in a ditch somewhere if it wasn't for her

The car stop and grandma finally said we're here. I wish i could see right now so i could see what this castle looked like, i heard that this was one of the  oldest castle yet stayed as if it was only half the age and it was one of the biggest castle to still stand. The beauty of the castle was also a sight to see but unfortunately as you can read, i'm unable to do that

"Where are we now?" I asked my grandma as we have been walking for awhile "the communal room" as she said that, i heard a door open and chatters of many people "a lot?"

"A lot"

I groaned inwardly. This is gonna take awhile, i flinger my arms around and when it touched my grandma i immediately scoot closer to her "so do we have to register first?"

"No, the second we entered the castle our names were already listed and known so now we just have to wait till our names are called" she explained, pulling me down to sit . I hesitantly sat and fiddled my fingers together. This is gonna be a long wait

"Sarah Haynes" a person called and my head swiftly looked up "gran? Is that the caller?" I asked, confused because i thought we would be here all day , there was so many people and it is unbelievable that it is already my turn "yeah" my grandma replied, equally confused

My grandma pulled me up and started walking towards the person "are you Sarah Haynes?" The woman said with a business tone. I nodded and whispered a 'yeah'

"Okay and you are her guardian, i assume?" There was a slight pause meaning my grandma nodded then said "you assume right"

"Okay, guardian please wait outside. Sarah you may enter" she said. I don't think she realises that i am blind, it's kinda funny "i'm blind" i stated, scratching the back of my head while smiling dubiously  "oh" was her only answer then a hand held my arm pulling me . I could say that the woman was the one pulling me like i was a bag of pumpkins

"I will place you right in front of them. You will tell your name, age, from, why you are here and if they ask you any questions, do not question them back. Instantly answer then place your file on the table" she explained very fast, i couldn't comprehend what she said but i could just wing it

"Okay, going in" she said then i heard a loud clank and processing gears then the sound of a door opening. Once we went in, i was told quietly by the woman to stand straight and then her hold was gone following the sound of the door closing with a huge boom sound. I awkwardly smile and just put my file on the table like how the woman told me too

The first thing that came to my mind though was that there was a familiar smell entered my nose "your guardian is good. All the informations are here" a firmed voice said, probably the king. I nodded, afraid that i'll say something stupid

"What are you planning to do on your stay here?" A feminine and soft voice asked this time, the queen "I was planning on just continuing my grandma's cafe bookstore" i said honestly, it is a wonderful place to relax to be honest. The cafe bookstore was a mixture of both of its name; hence the name of it. It was like a library where you can read in peace but instead of borrowing it, you gotta buy it then at the same time, you could order a drink and just lay back. The place had a background music which intents to sooth the mind and there was no buzzing of  people talking instead serenity amidst the place

Plus the place had braille books too which was a bonus. I'm not really good at it yet but it's getting there "that's wonderful" the queen cheered and i heard a pen scribbled "there you go" the king said , holding the file out and lean it against my hands

I smile and bowed but before i could go the queen spoke "Honey could you help her please . I don't want her having a bruise on her beautiful skin" i blushed and quickly shook my head "it's okay er-queen. I remember the way" i inwardly groan and face-palm

"Oh hush, honey?" The queen reprimanded , suddenly a sound of a scraping chair took my attention

"Come on" the gruff voice said, sounding really familiar. I nodded slowly and hold on to his arm "thank you" i said quietly. The prince stayed quiet and that made the gears in my head turning but before i could start my questions, the sound of a door opening was heard and the arm that i was holding on to was gone

Could he have been my eli?


Guys so tell me what you pumpkins think and i really want a new story cover, i suck at doing story covers. I also really wanna watch so many movies that is yet to come out

Also excited for harry potter cause who isnt.

Anyway have a nice day pumpkins and be safe


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