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Sorry for the late update you guys, thank you for your patience. 

I'm so happy to see that many of you like this book as much as I do

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

"Don't kill me, I can explain " Prince Adrian said, letting go of sarah and putting his hands up "I just knew you were gonna do something fucking stupid like this" prince Demitri stated, hitting the back of his brother's head

Sarah was confused though but oddly enough , she did not feel scared this time but kind of excited? "Hello" she said "stranger danger"

Prince Adrian howled in pain while prince Demitri continued lecturing him and forgot about the little girl's presence  "You know Elijah would kill us if he sees us here, are you that fucking stupid. Don't you have a brain? Do you wanna die cause thats what you are if he knows you're... fuck and I'm fucking here to"

"I don't think Elijah would be mad, more friends to dinner" Sarah loudly cheered , giggling "uh huh" prince Demitri's only reply as he started assessing the girl

"A surprise isn't it" prince Adrian said and prince Demitri once again hit his brother's head "so you are romantically involved with prince Elijah?"

"I don't know any prince but I know an Elijah and he is a cuddle bear but he likes to flick my forehead which is mean but I'm use to it so yeah" Sarah said, smiling

"Je pense que Elijah ne l'a pas encore dit [ I think Elijah has not told her yet ]" prince Adrian said which got another hit to his poor head and his brother's hit wasn't even the gentle and playful type "no shit"

Both of the prince started staring at Sarah , still can't believe that prince Elijah could like someone and his type was this

"Eli is nice , he wouldn't hurt a fly and he always brings nice food so it'll be enough for everyone and adrian cooked so dinner is enough for everyone " Sarah giggle, standing up and with a normal pace of walking to the kitchen while the two prince followed her like a puppy

"Nous devons sortir avant qu'il ne vienne [ we have to get out before he comes ]" prince demitri said, watching Sarah taking a seat at the kitchen counter's chairs " we'll get figured out anyway so better stay and enjoy " prince Adrian laugh and joined Sarah

"I'm leaving" prince demitri said "aw stay, it's nice to have more guest " sarah whined turning to where she heard the voice "maybe next time"

He turned to the door and opened it to reveal the man he did not want to see now

"My luck is so fucked up today" Prince Demitri said before he was thrown out the door

Prince Elijah was seething. He was ready to kill a person, a rodent to be more accurate but a small ball of joy came tumbling into his arms

"Eli" Sarah said, cuddling his waist and smiling up to him when Prince Adrian told her that prince Elijah had come.

Obviously she would know where the door was by heart

Prince Elijah picked her up and sent a vicious glare to the other prince that was smiling widely cause of the moment escape "are they your friends Eli?" Sarah asked, putting her arms around his neck "no"

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