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• Prince Eli •

I looked at myself at the mirror once more before i walk out of my room and went towards the garage. This girl is seriously going to be the end of me and i just met her two days ago

Theres this feeling of possessiveness and protectiveness in me when i'm around her. I should really call the therapist to understand these 'feelings'

I picked the large black hummer with tinted windows and went to the girl's house. It wasn't that long to get there considering my car was going past the limits but no police dared to hold me

I knocked on the wooden door and i heard soft pattering coming. The door opened and the girl only peeked her head out. " hi " she greeted, smiling and i let out a subtle groan.

She truly looked like a child adding her height. She look so innocent and fragile plus too cheery, i shook my head to get rid of the thought "How old are you?" I ask to ease my mind that i'm not a pedophile "19" she said "and you?"

I brought her to the car and helped her to get into the passenger seat and put her seatbelt for her; gave me a chance to whiff at her delectable scent ( it's not weird at all ) i looked up to her and chuckled , she was blushing and was setting a stern face on

I got to my drivers seat and started our way going to the place i planned

" 26 "

She gave a confused look, i rolled my eyes. Will she ever really pay attention
"My age, i'm 26" i said again. "How do you like the kingdom so far?" I asked, trying to make a conversation which is a weird thing from me because i like my silence and i hate people

"I've only been to the city ones; when you rescued me , and the people are not exactly friendly and i think that day scared me from going to the city again " she nervously chuckled. "It isn't called Malavita kingdom without a reason" the sides of my lip twitch

"What does malavita means?" She tilts her head. So innocent, "did you tell your grandma you were going out?" I asked, changing the subject and its either she didn't mind or didn't noticed "i did, she blew a fuse a little but then she felt bad of how locked up i was inside" she grinned

I turned to park and i opened both of our seat belts "where are we eli?" She asked, looking nervous; like i'm gonna kill her. I chuckled inwardly and got out then helped her

I pulled her with me and entered the premises. The workers stayed away from us and kept quiet like how i ordered them to then picked up an apron to put it on her

I'm obviously going to find a nickname for her that doesn't include insults cause calling by her name sounds weird to me. She automatically touched the cloth and let out a confused "an apron?" I brushed her cheeks and started to pull her to the back

Cold wind welcomed us and fresh fruits were all around. I couldn't really bring her to see the sunsets and the typical movies so why not something everyone loves ; fruits

She tighten her grip on me which i returned to a flick on her forehead, she reacted rather fast this time , her grip on me vanished and on to rubbing her forehead "ow , stop doing that " she cried

If i can't stay away from her, it's already obvious that i would die before hurting her, the flick was like a tap; fragile

I plucked a grape and put it in her mouth when she was whining, she instantly munch on it and the smile was back "yummy" she squealed, "can i have more?" She cutely asked, i rolled my eyes

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