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    Sarah woke up with a big smile on her face

She had dream wonderful things last night and indeed, it included a certain prince.

The prince on the other hand was eating breakfast and could not wait to meet his bunny again but due to his busy schedule, it was kind of impossible today . Truthfully he felt foolish that he was acting like a hormonal teenager and  weird, he has not gotten used to these foreign feelings fully yet

"Enjoying the view?" A voice asked from the back. "I guess" the prince replied, sipping his coffee. They were at the main big balcony where day feast was usually held because they were high off above the grounds that you could see everything

The prince's close friend, Adrian pericoloso sat on the chair in front of prince Elijah . Prince Adrian was also next in line for the throne but he turned it down and he got away with it because his mother gave birth to a second son, Demitri pericoloso.

But nonetheless, he is as strong as prince Elijah.

"What brings you to my kingdom?" Prince Elijah questioned, turning his head to look at the other prince. Instead of answering, prince Adrian looked front and saw a girl twirling around "10 billion she is going to fall" prince Adrian bets but prince Elijah only rolled his eyes "fine, 50 billion" prince Adrian said, grinning

Prince Elijah sighs "she's not" and she did not "pay up" prince Elijah smirked and the other prince "already did it, I seem to always lose to you" he said, staring off into space "i'm just hopping realms" prince Adrian stated

There was seconds of silence "your number?" Prince Adrian asked, looking at prince Elijah's shoulder "never changed, yours?" He replied

"Second. Sheila died" prince Adrian stated, rubbing his shoulder "congratulations" Prince Elijah smirked "it feels weird" said prince Adrian

"You'll get use to it, the pain never leaves" "says the one that has it since he was four" prince Adrian said, scoffing

There was few seconds of silence "so, I heard you got a girl"

"My mother told you, didn't she" prince Elijah said, exasperated. "She may have slip it but could you blame her. You were a cold bastard the second you came to this world"

"Like you were any different"

Prince Adrian scoffed " I laugh and cry while you just have one bored expression. How you were popular is still unknown to me"

"Brother you were one of his fans " Prince Demitri made his entrance and sat at the third chair " Ah baby brother" prince Adrian grinned, tried to hug his brother but he was quickly pushed away , prince Adrian pouted "you guys are two peas in a pod"

"Demitri" "prince Elijah" prince Demitri nodded at prince Elijah

One of the reason why Prince Demitri accepted the crown was because of prince Elijah. He saw how prince Elijah ruled his kingdom and brought his wars to victory every-time in a young age, getting him the acknowledgement as a prodigy and the finest King to be . Prince Demitri wanted to have the same victory as him and be in his level

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