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"Buby" I whined, laying across his lap 

I thought we were gonna do fun things but he had to work first, I pouted. it has been hours- "Bunny it has only been few minutes" He stated but I knew his focus was on his work "It felt like hours, we should get a puppy to keep me company" I said, perking up and I felt his chin on top of my head "I want a german shepherd Oh! or like a pitbull , wait no, an Alaskan malamute" I excitedly said, a big furry buddy to be my guide dog and best friend "Don't worry buby, you'll always be my number 1" I grinned and patted his cheek

There was only silence replying 

I huffed "Then can I walk around the house?" 


"Can I go to my room?"


"Can I go around this office?"


"Then what can I do?"I asked exasperatedly , continue to lay across buby's lap till the blood goes to my head so I don't die of boredom instead 

"Get some rest" "Then let me go to my bed" "No" "You're being unreasonable, let me sleep on the couch here then" I said, sitting up once again and turn to face Elijah , making sure to pull his face as well so I know he was looking directly at me "There is no couch here"

I gaped "then where am I suppose to sleep?" I once again met silence and it was kind of obvious he meant his lap "buby" I whined, wiggling around and was stopped by Elijah pulling me up. I put my hands on his chest and now that I realize, I felt large scars marring across his chest as I explore more of it ' I never realize ' I thought tearing up


"Did this hurt?" she asked, almost whispering. The prince looked at her expression and let out a small chuckle as tears were threatening to come out, She resembled the cartoon character that had tears coming out and the bottom lips jutting out "it's not funny buby, This is a big scar" She whined as the big meanie was laughing at her "It didnt hurt baby"

She frowned and so she gave nibbling kisses to it "do you feel better?" She asked innocently , cupping her buby's face. She felt kisses on her tiny hand "much better"

"Okay you win, come on" He said, pulling me up with him and I was grinning in victory

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