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"So, how did you find out"

Sarah tried to scramble off of him but his grip on her was not allowing her too "you have been ignoring me enough, now we're having a serious talk right"

The prince hugged her and she hid her face at his neck "Don't act all cute now" the prince said, pulling her back a little but she wrap her arms around his neck

The prince sighed and chuckled inwardly, she wanted to run away and then she wont let go, she is so confusing sometimes

"So my baby, who told you?" The prince asked calmly but inwardly, he wanted to torture the people who told her

Not only did they spoken to his girl without permission but also cause she suffered due to them

He had the full intent on telling her the truth but just did not know how to go with it as he feared the outcome

For the first time ever , he was scared of losing someone

He could say all the big words about how he would steal her heart back but he knew if she wishes it, he would not bother her again and he was scared of that

He was relieved when she wasn't begging to go back and was still in his arms although she did try several times to avoid him but she would always latch at him at the end

"I can't say Eli"

"Why so" his grip tighten on her

"They say you would punish them" she said with sadness lacing her words "but you absolutely can't Eli, they did nothing but telling me the truth that you obviously wouldn't tell me"

"And who said I wouldn't?"

"So when were you planning on telling me? When everyone has finish laughing at my expense?"

"They wouldn't dare too"

"How would you know? It's called laughing behind someone's back. Unless you have eyes all over, stop acting all mighty" She fumed, huffing it out

"Now i'm acting all mighty?"

"Yeah, you are. It doesn't mean you're a prince then suddenly you can control everyones action"

"So you think i'm flaunting my position?"

Sarah nodded and crossed her arms

"So you think you succeeded in diverting the conversation?"

"Ye- what?" The prince smirked when her eyebrows were knit together

Sarah felt her cheeks being squeezed by an index finger and a thumb " I will find them bunny and when I do, they'll wish they never opened their mouth" Prince Elijah said, whispering the last parts which made a shiver ran through her back

"How about we just forget about it?" Sarah asked, giving a pout "i'll try if you give me a kiss" prince Elijah said and an instant blush was on Sarah's cheeks

"No trying, you must"

"Who said so?" "Me?"

"How about we make a deal?" Sarah tilted her head but nodded anyway

"Until the end of your stay here, you mustn't show your smile to anyone but me. If you manage to do it, I won't do anything to them"

"What?" She asked, confused. The prince wanted her to not smile to anyone? "What if I thought the person was you and I smiled but it wasn't?"

"You lose" She gasp "that's not fair"

"Life's not fair"

'He just wants me to not smile at anyone? How hard would it be right'

"So you want me to be a stoned face person is it? What's with this deal Eli, it's so ridiculous"

The prince was definitely acting childish but her smile and giggles are for him

This would make it easier for him to keep himself in bay , although the thoughts of her being unhappy with it comes to mind but the prince knew it himself that he is a selfish man at times

"A deal or shall I start my hunt?"

"Fine, because of this I won't even smile at you. Why are you being so mean" Sarah huffed, unlatching from the prince and laid on the bed but she was still holding onto his cuffs


"Good morning little miss" Benjamin greeted the girl that was sitting on the tall chair at the counters , she was swinging her legs while munching on bread

Sarah cracked a small smile and replied back to his greetings then she suddenly smacked her hand on her lips

the prince could be anywhere she thought

Ben quirked an eyebrow to the little miss , she was acting pretty oddly "how did the little miss ended up here?" He asked, started to do his morning routine of coffee and breakfast "i'll be making breakfast, any request"

"Oh can I have bacons please, and well I manage to reach the living room and then someone helped me here , they even gave me bread cause she didn't know how to cook" Sarah replied, continuing to munch on the butterscotch bread

Benjamin sighed , just that would get us all down six feet under so better haste on making breakfast "and the prince?" Benjamin asked, already knew about how it was expose

"He was gone before I woke up" Sarah said, shrugging

Sarah was actually sulking at the fact, she wanted to wake up with him next to her , not an empty bed but Benjamin already knew where the prince was

"May I ask another question little miss?" Benjamin asked, while cooking breakfast

"You don't have to ask" Sarah said, pouting when there wasn't any bread on the plate anymore

"Aren't you scared of the prince?"

Sarah laid her arms on the counter and leaned her head on it "I feel like I answered to this already" Sarah chuckled " I did say I didn't care about the rumours which is true but I was scared, but I don't want to be. I thought I knew Eli but like I feel like I'm back at zero. So I guess it's like i'm more scared that I don't know him" Sarah rambled , sighing " oh but i'm not scared of him, I know he wouldn't hurt me deliberately, he is like a puppy some times"

Suddenly Benjamin's laugh was heard and Sarah pouted "whats funny?"

The prince was glaring at the old man while trying to hold himself from hurting him , her answers helped him greatly

"Well you have the leash little missy"

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