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"So is this like a second home? Do you actually live in the castle? Do you really have a crown?" Sarah was continuously asking, while sitting on prince elijah's lap, facing him

"Is that all the questions you have?" Prince Elijah ask jokingly but immediately regretted

"Of course not, the food you eat is it really small? Do you really have like big Scooby doo dogs? Do you-" the prince covered her lips with his hand and thankfully she stayed still with her head tilted

"Those are things you'll get to know yourself . Down to important stuff, now that you know about this, some things will change" prince Elijah said, the hand covering her lips now cupping her cheek with the thumb caressing her cheek gently

"What things?"

"It's more of a risk to let you out of my sight now that you're aware of it"

"So will I be monitored and like will guards be posted all over my house? And people following wherever we will be going, including grandma?"

Prince Elijah chuckled inwardly , seeing her enthusiastic expression "you're good with the idea?"

"My grandma would be safer so it's an uncomfortable thing I got to accept"

"That could be arranged but it is slightly different from what you are expecting"


"Baby open the door" Prince Elijah said loudly from the other side of the bedroom door , softly knocking on the door

No sound of any replies came

"Please, I need to see if you're alright. You just bang into everything running inside there" Prince Elijah pleaded, his hand gripping the door knob leaving it dented

The prince was really trying to not rip the door of its hinges as he wanted to give her space although he was real worried and for her to voluntarily open it

"Can we just talk about this clearly"

"You're telling me to leave my grandma Elijah" Sarah said, although a bit muffled as she stuffed her face to the pillow

"That's not what I said and meant bunny" Prince Elijah said , although that's what he did kinda meant but she didn't need to know that

"Telling me to leave my grandma at some place that could probably be horrible is just cruel Elijah, how dare you think that I would do that?"

"I don't think that you would, i'm just saying to give it a try, it's a good place " prince Elijah stated , remembering how those old baboons looked pretty lively living at that old folks home

"And who would take care of her if she gets sick or she gets lonely?

"It has great services of caretakers and a friendly community, she might even get a grandfather for you"

"This is not the time to make jokes Elijah" Sarah huffed, wrapping her arms in front of her chest

"It is an offer for your grandmother to think about and for you to accept her choice. She'll be safe there as well"

"Then i'll live with her"

"Are you an old wombat? No so of course you can't. I told you that you'll be with me, is that so bad?" Prince Elijah asked, sighing. Just standing in front of the door with his hands inside his pockets, deciding whether to break the barrier or not to

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