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• Sarah Haynes •

I was sitting on the swings at our backyard that i only knew about just now

It has been swirling around in my mind that i just went out with someone that i barely knew, how easy of a prey i was . Thank God he's actually a cuddle bear inside

I was smiling all on my own , someone would think i was crazy seeing me smile here alone. But seriously, elijah gave me a huge comfort and made me feel safe

I could feel that he emitted a dangerous aura but he never did harm me except those flicks that i hate so much. 'I think i kinda like him' i thought, squealing

"Have i gone mad, it has only been four days. Ugh" i face palm myself  "have you gone mad?" Eli ask

"Yep..... What the duck are you doing here?" I chastised, my face going red. I hope he did not hear what i said , i could feel my face heating up more by the thought of him hearing what i said

"I did say that i was gonna come" i could hear the smugness in his voice . My mouth went gap "no you did not" i huffed "you said 'we'll see'" i said, trying to sound like him "acting so cool psh" i said rolling my eyes and crossing my hand

I heard a chuckle but said no more then i felt a hand on my knee , i could say that he was crouching down in front of me yet he was almost towering me "how tall are you exactly?" I ask, forgetting all about the topic before

"Taller than you" he said, i knew he gotta be smirking. "Obviously, but whats your height?" I exclaim, trying to look and sound annoyed but actually i'm basking our playful banter cause we all know eli isn't really the playful type so this was like a fried onion ring in a plate of french fries

"6'4 bunny" he chuckled , poking my nose and i scrunched my nose "you're a big doofus and a big meanie " i giggle then a flick on my forehead came

Ugh i hate it when he does that, i rubbed my forehead and made a 'hmph' sound "stop doing that" i whined and of course his only reply was a chuckle, i mean i love hearing it but not when its mocking me !

I pouted and crossed my hands "you're such a child bunny" i stuck my tongue "i brought food" he whispered and i could not refuse

I snap myself out from my sulking moment and flung myself to eli and that got me a scolding from him but i accepted it like a big girl because i was hungry then of course i said an apology

He really does treats me like a child!

I'm starting to like it though but i ain't gonna show it heh "you're such a dork" he suddenly said and i stuck my tongue out at him "you're a dork!" So he was carrying me like a kid to my kitchen that i have no idea how he knew. It's kinda creepy now that i think about it "don't you have a job eli?" I ask cause he's coming here everyday now

"Baby sitting you is already a full time job" he huffed. My mood went down hill from there, i struggled to get out from his grip "bunny you'll fall" he scolded

"That's the point" i yelled "if you feel like i am such a burden then theres no need to come here. Go away then" i crossed my arms and sat down on the kitchens floor, afraid that i do walk away i'll hit something. "Bunny i didn't mean it like that. Please forgive me, i was just kidding" his voice soften and his apology sucks so i knew he doesn't really apologise often

"Your apology sucks, make it better" i stated, still crossing my arms pouting.   

•Prince Eli•

"I'll give you a diamond necklace?" I offered, it's obvious that i suck at these things. I heard from the soldiers that when their wives were mad at them, they'll spoil them with gifts like jewelries and clothes. Bunny will like these things right?

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