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Beware that this chapter will probably be more dramatic than it already is and to the one that made my new cover, please do message me ;)

• Sarah Haynes •

Soon, G fell asleep while I continued to leave myself with my thoughts as his words kind of haunted me

that and cause I needed Eli, how dare he just leave like that, I huffed. My head was leaning on G's head as we were sharing the same pillow, I still wanted to leave some space for Eli although I am not going to talk to hi- "Bubyyy" I softly cried out as I heard the door opening and sat up slowly without pulling the blanket too much, I mean it should be him right? at least I hope so

"fuck" I heard him swore " Buby" I scolded, putting on my stern face although he probably could not see it as the room is still dark, it's only 4 am if G read the digital clock correctly "How long has it been here?" He asked, sounding really very serious.

"It?" I asked

"G is not an it Buby , G is a he and he has been here for awhile now unlike someone" I said coldly but even to me it sounded like I am using a normal tone , I wanted to laugh at that but I have to be serious 'serious like buby'

I felt the bed space next to me dipped down and my cheeks being squeezed together before I felt lips pressed against mine "too damn cute" I wanted more but I felt movements next to me that brought me out of that haze

I gasp and lightly hit buby as I didn't want to hurt him, although it felt like I was hitting a rock instead "That was bad buby, G could have woken up" I said whispering, holding onto his arm once I located it.

"Have you been awake for quite some time now?" Elijah asked softly and I nodded "and him?"

"He came in when I woke up, he is such a cutie buby. He kept talking about space, dinosaurs and cakes" I giggled, hugging my knees and pulled Elijah to come closer "What else did he talk about?"

"His dreams a-and his parents" My giggling died down and a surge of sadness just hit me, the tears I held from before came out. I snuggled my face to buby's chest and breath in his calming scent "I feel like I want to just cover him up and protect him. He is just so precious"

I felt Eli's hand caressing the back of my head "He is"

"Let's go back to sleep" this time I agreed as my eyes were starting to burn, I felt Eli shifting to lay down beside me and pulled the blanket so all three of us fit in , I also made sure to pull G closer so he wouldn't fall out the bed

I don't think I need a puppy now

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• Third POV •

It was only 8 am when Prince Elijah woke up due to the slight shifting of his bunny trying to break free from his wrap but it would be useless as the prince would always pull her back to his arms but this time there was slight resistance as she was putting a death grip on the tiny boy that was awake but unmoving as the boy did not want to wake the nice crybaby lady

Prince Elijah growled lowly but let it be as she had a tiny smile on her face which annoyed him greatly, glaring at the little boy but then huffed as it had at least put a smile on his baby's face. Unlike other times, The prince easily got out of the bed and went towards the bathroom

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