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beforehand please forgive any mistake that I did because it's my first time doing cool dialogues and plots and stuff and so it may seem like 'wtf trying too hard' and so on heheheh mansae mansae mansae ( I have been really into kpop this year. IM AN AHGASE and I think a lowkey ikonic cause they are just ...👌🏼)

           "Tell me how you are allowed here" King Frederick said coldly , shooting daggers at the only prince there

13 seats full of kings and a prince

"Amazing isn't it " Prince Elijah stated, not backing down instead throwing his own infamous glare

"Was there not a law that states only high thrones can enter this point" Another King stated, equally furious
" Do you dare to throw him out though, that's the question you should be answering" King Ruxin said smugly

"To enter this place  is actually too strong for mere holders including princes' so it's quite 'rad' that you're here Elijah boy " King Jonathan ,also known as the father of Prince Adrian and Prince Demitri, said

"So we are just allowing him to stay" King Frederick exclaimed

"Why not, he will be taking the throne anytime soon now and he is the hidden gem of wars " King Ruxin stated, giving a nod to prince Elijah

"To make this easier, ones who does not approve of this"

5 kings showed their disapproval " If he is allowed to enter then my sons are allowed too then"

"If you are ready to lose a son then yes" King Francis stated, turning his head to the speaker

"By majority, he is allowed. No more wasting time with this" King Dominic, Prince Elijah's father, spoke up

"Now going to the main subject, the nuisance. I thought you said you were going to handle it Frederick" King Sian stated

"You have given them time to increase their weaponry and people , it is almost like you're on their side" Prince Elijah commented

You could see that King Frederick was about to burst by that comment. Especially since it was from someone younger

King Frederick gave no response

"Someone else should take this task, the nuisance are giving me a headache. My bridge is closed temporarily because of it, the problem is getting bigger" King Rain stated, glaring at King Frederick

"I will handle this! Just give me time" King Frederick growled out

" Time is of the essence. They are getting bigger and stronger while your men are weak" King Rain fought back

"Enough!" King Dominic ordered "We will choose someone else as it had affected many realms "

King Frederick could not oppose to the decision as it was final

"Now, who will be able to clean this"

"Let us give Elijah a chance" King Ruxin suggested "he is to be the king of kings isn't he"

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