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'Now, lets find those bugs' He thought

"Fortunately my princess did not disclose of the identity on who told her about myself. Did I not give orders for that information to be hidden from her?" The prince stated calmly, leaning his chin on his right hand and hie elbow resting on the armchair 

The prince sighed then the sound of doors locking was heard "So unless that  perpetrator comes clean, let's play a game" 

You could hear the heavy breathing of the people in the hall, it was not helping that the child the prince brought and cared by Benjamin was also there. Usually when someone sees the child, that would indicate someone had made a blunder and they will be meeting their creator soon as that meant the prince had ordered an execution on one and the child is his executioner 

People that were at the end of the hall dropped in despair and looked hollow as they faced the truth that it is impossible for the prince to let them go now, they were replaceable pawns. 

Nobody dared to speak out against the prince and they were all sure that the guilty would not turn themselves in.  The older workers could already guess that those people are new recruits as the people that worked longer in the estate knew better than to disobey the ruthless prince but they did not say a word as the prince would kill them if they spoke and it was not the answer that He wanted

"I call this game, the black hole" The prince chuckled darkly  "We have six doors around you that determines your fate, the correct choice will save you and an incorrect one will bring you to a joy ride. You have 10 seconds to pick your fate"

When the time started, most of everyone rushed to separate doors with a  panicky expression, changing their decisions last minute on their choice and some even started praying. It was amusing for the prince as they were scattering like flies on a dead body

The time was up and the doors opened slightly, the other side had a view of the corridors that they were use to seeing in the mansion so they all barreled through the door and like desperate fools, they were pushing and pulling each other as the door did not open so big but enough to fit through a person at a time so their desperation did not let them see the truth 

 all the doors that opened had the look of the corridors but none of the people that chose their fate realized the fact

"You old souls did not make a choice" prince Elijah pointed out, looking at Benjamin and the few behind him that worked in the state almost as long as the butler, they did not moved from their spot when the time started but continued kneeling and remained calm through the chaos

"We did make a choice, my prince did implied that the door would determine our fate but never said we had to pick one but to make the correct choice" Benjamin stated "and i'm sure that the perpetrator is already known, isn't that right  your highness"

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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