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It has been 2 weeks since Elijah last came. Sarah understood that he had his own life and things to do but would it hurt coming here maybe for a day.

She face palm herself  'don't be such a baby Sarah , why would he come back anyway? Does he even consider me as a friend ?' That thought made her heart hurt more so she chose to not think about it

Instead, she put her hands on the tree that she was planning on climbing. Sarah spent most of her free time trying to climb the tree, of course with her grandma's help on carving small holes on it and yes she apologised to it before they put a tiny hole on it

She blew a deep breath before her climbing started. It wasn't a really tall tree but there's still possibilities of getting a concussion if she falls. Feeling the first big branch, she slowly pull herself up and made sure to always hold the trunk of the tree

'I think this is enough' she thought, smiling when she felt a gust of wind. One of reason why she decided to pick up this challenge, to feel the wind hit her skin. There's just a difference between feeling it when you're up on a tree and on ground , if that made sense.

Then it struck her, she did not know how to get down. Going up, yeah - planned but going down, nope. She was so excited on the idea of climbing up a tree that she forgot that tiny detail.

Sarah did not dare to jump off nor climbing back down because she could not sense the carvings that was made and do not know how far off the ground she was . She felt like crying but she wanted to be brave and to stop being a crybaby

She shouted for her grandma but then she remembered that she would be back at night so that made her slightly panic and the wanting to cry became bigger  "why the f*ck are you on a tree !?' A familiar voice said, angrily. She gasp when she heard him, she was suppose to be mad for not coming to her earlier but currently the happy feeling of him finally here was overwhelming

She was so happy that she wanted to hug him so without thinking, she jump off the branch and instead of feeling the hard ground, she felt Elijah's muscular body "what the fûck were you thinking" he said , relief that he was able to caught her on time but was still putting on a stern tone

• Sarah Haynes •


I put my arms around Elijah's neck " I missed you " I mumble , letting my head lean on his shoulder. Suddenly feeling tired, maybe it was because of the climb i just did

I didn't want to go to sleep, afraid that he wasn't really here and it was all just an illusion. I hear him sigh " go to sleep bunny " he said, putting his chin on my head. I shook my head and tighten my grip, what is wrong with me?

" I promise I'll be here when you wake up" he stated, I could feel that we were moving and the sound of a door opening then closing "pinkie promise?" Holding up my pinkie finger and I felt that he had interlaced it which made me smile

On the midst of falling asleep " why did you go away for a long time? " I asked, yawning . Before I could hear an answer, sleep was pulling me in but I could feel lips on my temple which made my sleep the best I've ever had

     • 3 hours and 23 minutes later •

I was woken up by the clanking of pans , I was about to continue sleeping but then i remembered about Elijah being here. I instantly sat up and went to the kitchen as fast as a blind person can.

I was gripping the edge of the kitchen's door "Eli?" I called

Instead of getting a reply, I felt his arms going around my waist, picking me up then settling me down on the counter " I was trying to warm up the milk" he said sheepishly , putting the cup on my hand " I don't think we had milk though " I said, confused. Well grandma didn't like plain milk and I don't always drink it so there was no reason to always buy it

"I went to the store while you were sleeping" he stated , brushing of a strand of hair of my forehead

I set the the cup down and raise my hands to touch him "we're friends right" I said, pulling him to me once my hand was on his chest "you could say that" he replied, putting his hands on my knees

" then why did you not come for so long " I cried, a tear rolled out ' damn it ' I thought. "I was trying to figure something out. Don't cry bunny" he said, wiping my tears away

"I thought you dislike me and I thought I would be all alone again an-" Elijah pulled me into a hug "you're such a kid bunny. (Sigh) I'm sorry" eli pulled away from the hug but his hands were on my knees and his head leaning on my shoulder " how long have we known each other?" He asked suddenly

"Including the 2 weeks?" I felt him nod " 2 weeks and 6 days " I giggled , it's not that long yet we're like the best of friends

• Prince Elijah •

I could feel it and I'm more aware of it now. All the signs were showing and happening fast. I stared at Sarah and these feelings that were coming was not so bad, i think

Although she could be kind of annoying but I just can't stay away from her, even these 2 weeks were hard. "What were you trying to figure out?" She asked and I stilled for a second , "something's" I answered instead, she pouted and crossed her arms on her chest making her breast popped up

I inwardly groan "tell me" she stubbornly said

Instead of answering her, I picked her up and brought her to my car. I'm guessing she hasn't came out of the house for the whole 2 weeks

Putting her down on the passenger seat and made sure that she put on her seatbelt then went to mine "you bailed on me on my registration date too" she shouted, probably just remembering it

I laughed inwardly, how could she did not know that was me

Instead of replying , I kept quiet but of course this bunny thought that it was a chance to express all her anger out. I found her cute when she is mad because her nose would twitch and her feet thumping

When she has gotten quiet "are you done?" I asked, glancing at her. She made a 'hmph' sound and nodded. Smiling, I intertwined our hands together and I could see a little blush forming

"Where are we going anyway?" She asked , looking up to me. "You'll know but you must promise to behave" I said sternly , cause god knows if I had said it nicely she would never listen

I know it was kind of risky taking her here but take this as my apology


Hey pumpkins, how are ya'll. i kinda suck for not updating much and i hope you'll still read it

I wanna know ya'll too so please be my friend c:

Anyway, be good and do good my pumpkins ;)🎃

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