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Prince Elijah went back to his room and saw that his bunny was already awake but could see that she was deep in her thoughts. He quietly laid beside her and pull her to his chest "A penny for your thoughts?"

"I was just wondering how it is to see again" Sarah stated, moving to lay on top of Prince Elijah , facing his body. "Do you often wonder about it?"

"Well yeah , whenever i'm in a difficult situation. I would always think of what I could have done if I was not blind. I'm unbelievably useless buby" Sarah said, sniffling . She was suddenly pulled up till she could feel prince Elijah's lips on her forehead "Never think like that again" The prince growled and tighten his arms around her

"You are far from useless bunny" He said "who would stop me from being mean to people"

flipping them around so that he was hovering her and he liked the fact that she did not cower but instead caressing his face with her small gentle fingers , she giggled "buby I mean work things like cooking or cleaning the house"

He leaned his forehead against hers and thought about how she would never have to do that and how her presence is a big deal on calming him down

"I do have another question for you bunny" "shoot"

"Where is your family?"

Honestly Prince Elijah already knew about her background and life history , did you really think he could hold himself back from finding out about these information but he did not know the reasons. How could someone leave such an angel

Before Prince Elijah took actions, he had to find the reasons

Sarah did not mind honestly about the question, it was most probably cause it was coming from the prince "To be honest, after the accident they just sent me off and just left. Thankfully my grandmother took me in and didn't mind that I was blind"

"Any siblings?" "Yeah but I don't think she liked me that much"

Prince Elijah chuckled and gave a peck to her lips "I like you"

Sarah blushed instantly and tried to turn around to bury her face in the pillow but the prince shorten the distance so that her body couldn't turn and so she ended up just covering her face with her tiny hands

"I like you too" she mumbled

The prince smiled a cheshire grin and pulled one hand away to see the burning face that had held a shy smile "I couldn't hear you" he said, laying side ways at the side of her body and lean closer his face to her

He could see the lips moving but nothing came out " I can't hear you bunny" he whispered near her ear

Sarah could feel his face beside hers , she turn a little to feel his breath on her face "I like you too buby"

Suddenly she felt lips on hers which slowly started to evolve to a heated clashing of lips, prince Elijah pulled her on his chest and continued to attach his lips on hers while her arms had encircled themselves around his neck

"Buby" Sarah breathlessly said, detaching their lips and buried herself at the crook of his neck , the prince wrap his arms around her waist "Something is poking me"

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