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"Bunny" prince Elijah said, cursing himself for not watching his words around her. She was looking down and had a solemn face on

"I'm sorry bunny, it just slipped" prince Elijah stated, hugging her close from behind while kept watch at her expression "say something"


"Bunny" the prince started

" I just don't know what to say now " and she truly didn't as this was the first ever that she experienced prince Elijah blowing a fuse as she was used to the calm and collected side

That made the prince wanted to kill himself, this is his bunny we're talking about, she always know what to say " are you angry?" The prince asked, tightening his hold on her, he felt nervous?

She shook her head "why would I be angry? But you were being rather mean"

He blew out a sigh of relief , she isn't mad he thought

"I wasn't being mean, I was being serious" He stated, while feeding her which could see that she did not mind at all

After that,  there wasn't any conversation at the breakfast table which usually the prince would prefer but this time, he loves it much more when it is filled with his bunny's adorably  loud voice and giggles

although she said she wasn't mad but her mood was totally different now

Sarah honestly felt a little bit scared , she knows that the prince would never hurt her , well at least she likes to think so, and so it is not her she is scared for , its for the others

The tone in his voice was so dark and he said it so easily , so promising that she almost believed that he would do that

'He wouldn't, right?' Sarah thought

She wasn't talking cause her head was full of thoughts about it but then a light bulb 💡 pop in her mind as well as a cheshire grin


"Eli I know what we are going to do today" she said excitedly and wanted to raise her hands to cheer but it ended up swatting the spoon that the prince was holding to the floor

The workers halted their movements and stared wide eyed at the act , they were anticipating on what was about to happen as it could also affect them 

but everything resumed as they saw that it went the opposite of how they thought it would go , instead it made them crack a little smile and a sigh of relief

Sarah gasped and covered her mouth with her palm "Buby i'm so sorry" Sarah said, quickly hugging the prince by wrapping her arms around the prince's neck

The prince chuckle and pat his little bunny's head "it's okay baby, let's just finish your food then we'll do what you want"

"But i'm not hungry anymore" she pouted but knew that there was a slim chance of him letting her off the hook

Sarah knew she could beg her way in a lot of things with the prince but if it concerns food then there was close to none

A flick straight to the forehead making Sarah cried out an "ow" and her hands went straight to cover her forehead

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