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"Eli?" Sarah asked after awhile just laying on the bed. Prince Elijah was serious about bed rest , even her breakfast was on the bed and her bath time consisted of her grandmother wiping her whole body, it wouldn't be so bad if her grandmother was acting normal but she was literally tense and did not say much to her. Prince Elijah on the other hand probably thinks that his bunny would fall apart if she makes even a single move out of bed "yeah bunny" Prince Elijah replied, not moving an inch either. He was sitting on the couch next to the bed with the back of his neck leaned towards the head rim and eyes closed "tell me a story"

"story tellings usually happens in the night"

"not true, it can happen anytime and besides listening to you can put me to sleep"

"i'm not sure whether that is a good or a bad thing but fine" Sarah smiled and snuggled inside the warmth of her blanket "um eli?" she asked again, sitting up and patting the space next to her. Prince Elijah sighed but continued to lay next to her and pulled her down with him, Sarah giggled and push a hug to him so she was on top of him. It made the prince froze for a second but then he settled her next to him and pulled the blanket up "you can start now buby"

"Buby?" Prince Elijah asked "yeah, you call me bunny so i'm calling you buby. I don't exactly know the meaning but it sounds cute" she said, giggling "it could mean something negative and we would not have known" Prince Elijah stated, resting his chin on top of her head . She just shrugs "the story buby"

"What kind of story do you wanna hear bunny? I'm not familiar with the usual stories other tell"

"What stories do you have?"

Besides war stories that would probably end her up with nightmares , Prince Elijah did not really have a child friendly story

"I have one but maybe it is gonna be a little scary for you" Prince Elijah said, both of his hands hugging his bunny. She nodded and giggled as she felt warm and fuzzy inside by Prince Elijah's action

Prince Elijah rolled his eyes but a soft smile was plastered on his lips "Well long ago, the 12 rounds were introduced to this power named amethyst. Its power was first seen within a man that was once the runt of his litter-" "is this your first time telling a story buby?" Sarah cuts, the way he told it was so serious "yeah , now listen quietly and fall asleep" Prince Elijah groaned and Sarah lets out another giggle which never failed to make prince Elijah felt the burst of happiness inside

Sarah quieten down and so prince Elijah continued "The man was kept in a place and was studied till his death, more were found to have amethyst . What is interesting is that, they all did not possess the same amethyst -" "what is this amethyst?"

"Bunny it is rude to cut people off when they are talking" Prince Elijah sternly said as he was getting annoyed of it, Sarah pouted and apologised while snuggling her face to the crook of his neck

Prince Elijah groaned as that diminished his annoyance in seconds, how is that possible?

"Amethyst is an ability or super powers as how you regulars would call it" prince Elijah stated , trying to not focus as to how close they were now

Sarah nodded  "can I continue my 'story' now bunny?" Prince Elijah asked, tickling his bunny and grinned as Sarah's laughter surrounded the room and it filled him with pure happiness

Sarah by now was begging for him to stop and he did as he remembered that his bunny is still sick "tickling is mean buby" she giggled and continues to hug Prince Elijah

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