• 18 •

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Hello guys so I apologise for the false alarm update for chapter 18 before , I accidentally pressed the publish when I was in the middle of writing it ( I use my phone to write ) , tbh I was not going to update till next week but it seems like damage has been done haha so here you go ❤️ enjoy !

Sarah laid still on the bed as her thoughts were filled with the big statement that was just revealed to her, it definitely answered a lot of of questions in her head like why her grandma just let him be around her so easily or letting her go on this sleepover as she was pretty protective of her , not so much but enough to not just let a guy scoop her off and whisk her off somewhere

or like why she kept hearing people call him by a royal title

But she always just thought that it was a joke cause they had the same name which sounded pretty dumb now as Eli or prince Elijah was not really one to join a joke 

Sarah sighed and pulled the blanket up till it covered her nose , should she tell that she knows or act dumb till he reveals it and how is she supposed to act now?

Then the worst thought came, was he using her for something? was he playing with her feelings? what did a prince wanted with a normal human girl? which was blind and barely can live on her own

those thoughts left a bitter taste

She felt confused and scared, she wants to ask but scared of the answers. Scared that nothing actually meant something to him or she was really used for some unknown reason

"Maybe I am just getting way ahead of myself" Sarah stated to herself, he never established anything so it was free reign

Sarah could hear the door opening so she immediately pretended to sleep but the prince could hear her pounding heart from miles away

The prince decided to leave his work and check up on his girl , though he inwardly chuckled at himself as he can't go few hours without checking up on her

She could feel the bed dipping down as the prince sat at the space next to her and then there was pressure on her right thigh "I know you're awake" the prince said softly

as he said that, he could hear his little bunny's breath got more ragged and her hold on the blanket that was covering her whole face now tighten

Saying that the prince was confused would be an understatement as usually his girl would fling herself to his arms and would demand him to lay with her, not hiding herself and basically holding up a barrier

"Baby what's wrong? talk to me" The prince said, his right leg was laying on the bed while the other on the floor , facing towards the bundle of cuteness on the bed

the prince sighed and brushed his hair back as his patience was running out

He waited few more seconds before ripping the blanket off and was greeted by a puffy eyed and splotchy face girl, he immediately pulled her to his chest and she did not waste time to nuzzle her head into his chest and snuggled into his warmth

His small bunny fit into his arms so perfectly that he did not want to let go of her "Bunny what happened? bad dream?"

Again Sarah did not reply as she knew that if she did say something then all the words she was thinking prior would spill out and she was scared of the answer "You have to tell me something baby" The prince said softly, caressing her head gently, well as gentle as he could atleast

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