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• Sarah •

"Where did you go?!" Grandma scolded me after i got back in the house. "Around" i nervously chuckle, please don't find out please don't find out

"You went to the city didn't you?" She icily said , i sheepishly nodded

And that is how i spent my night getting lectured


Sitting at the front yard was the only air breather i could get since grandma didn't want me inside my room the whole day and she kept talking my ears off of how it was a dumb decision to go to the city and i was lucky that i could get back home in one piece

I took a deep breath and stood up, it won't hurt her walking around the block

But this time i brought my walking stick

I was kinda far from the house now but luckily, now i know where i'm at . I grinned in victory but that went down the drain with i hit someone and i fell on my butt

"Don't you learn from your mistakes?" Elijah growled "Do you follow every blind girl you see?" I asked , standing up and brushing my butt

He growls "only if they are foolish like you" i ran right into that one "what do you want? Your highness" i joked, rolling my eyes

"Don't call me that, you know my name" his voice strained. I apologise and nodded. He sighs "do you wanna get lunch?"

I nodded swiftly, grandma didn't cook anything before she went out and i'm not used to this house yet . Does she want me to burn the house!!

Unlike last time, he held my hand and pulled me "gentler will you" i groaned
He didn't say anything back, surprisingly.

• 3rd person •

Prince eli was confuse with his feelings, why had he come back to see this foolish girl. He sighs .

Not laying attention to the girl he was pulling, she fell down cause she couldn't follow the speed prince eli was going

"Seriously" prince eli scoff but helped her to get up this time and he saw her eyes glistening with tears

Sarah quickly wiped her eyes "yes serious, my walking stick doesn't have speed like yours " she retorted

'Don't be such a wimp sarah' she thought, tightening her grip on her walking stick 'crying is weakness and we don't need this guy to add more names in my list'

Prince eli felt a flicker of pain when she was trying to hide it. What the fuck , he thought. He saw her knees bleeding and he groaned, 'whatever'

He pulled out his wallet from his pockets and got a bandage , he crouched down "what are you doing?" The girl ask but he ignored her

He first wiped the blood using his handkerchief and put the bandage on the wound

"Um t-thanks" sarah said, blushing

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