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I play this story by realms. There are 12 realms in total.

12- Is the Malavita Kingdom ruled by King Dominic AKA Prince Elijah's father

11 - Is the Acranic Kingdom ruled by King James , The strongest King for now

10 - Is the ___ Kingdom ruled by King Jonathan AKA Prince Adrian and Demitri's father

9 - Is the ____ Kingdom ruled by King sian and the second strongest King

8 - Is the ___ Kingdom ruled by King Ruxin . The most hidden Kingdom out of all

7 - Is the ___ Kingdom ruled by the newly throned King Suyu, a green in ruling a kingdom

6 - Is the ___ Kingdom ruled by King rain. His Kingdom is one of the important as they provide easy access to other realms

5 - Is the ___ Kingdom ruled by King Francis that is soon to step down and throne his first born

4 - Is the ___ Kingdom ruled by King Basilic

3 - Is the ___ Kingdom ruled by King Ogah

2 - Is the ___ Kingdom ruled by King Soma

1 - Is the ___ Kingdom ruled by King Ace

( I might add more informations as this story progresses)

The ruler of the 12th Kingdom is known as the King of Kings as it is the biggest out of all others and the main protector of the realms


The Amethyst
( I saw a lot of confusion so I will explain a little bit more here )

The Amethyst is a gift and a curse , although it is more on the latter . The Amethyst was once a light bright energy that turned bad as it was nurtured wrongly . The body that has this curse will have a certain scar on them that shows their rank, basically ranks are what measure how powerful they are and if the below ranks manage to destroy an upper rank then the person will have a major upgrade on their curse but with a payment, pain. They basically live with pain as it is the price of having unimaginable powers. The stronger a rank is, the more painful the pain becomes. If the pain takes over a certain body then the soul inside will die . The Amethyst choose people and does not go in bloodline order. Every Amethyst has different potentials and no one has the same ability, there is no exchange of power but it could be harness and used depends on the ability but once the soul has passed then it cant be harnessed anymore

Though usually now this 'gift' is used for wars or any wickedness as though one could handle the pain but the beast that resides in them are like the darkness that could envelop them at any moment at any weaken time

I will only reveal to you the powers of the people that you know have this ability
1. Garret
- As cheesy as this sound, he has the ability of the sun. At a young age, he is already able to semi control his power. He is able to burn with only just his thoughts , he may be light but he is stuck in the dark

2. Demitri
- i'm kidding he isn't one but he wants to be

3. Prince Elijah
- He has the ability to open and create dimensions. Another portal to different layers of the unknown or known. Think of it as like teleportation powers that could lead to an abyss or home.  He is also able to makeshift his ability to bring the effects on that dimension to people as well (note when he was able to freeze or give pain on to others)

4. Prince Adrian
- impenetrable Armour and he can choose to shield another as well so atomic nuclear, just be on his good side and you're good . Something like Bella from twilight lmao

5. -

Malavita Kingdom
- It is a modern kingdom, I probably made it seem like it was Gotham or something but it isn't that dark. I'll describe it more in detail soon


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