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"For the thousandth time eli, there is no need for a doctor. I just need my medicine and rest" Sarah whined, swatting prince Elijah's hand from her forehead which she has been doing over and over again

"How could you even be sick? You don't even go anywhere" He said, More to himself

'can't really say anything to that cause it is true' she thought, but it doesn't stop her from pouting "you don't have to be so blunt about it. Hmmph" but the other half of her was squealing at how cute prince Elijah was being right now, he was talking to himself!

Instead of replying to Sarah's comment, She was suddenly rolled to a burrito "how about i'll call my doctor?" He sounded as if he was asking

"How about you take care of me instead?" Sarah grinned , taking out her hands and flailing it to find his. When she did , She tried to pull him to her but he wouldn't move at all. Imagine trying to re-enact a romantic scene where the female lead pushes the male lead down on the bed 'it would be impossible with elijah' Sarah thought, sighing but then ended up blushing cause how could she even thought that

She squealed and covered her probably red face with her hands. Prince Elijah was not aware of the action cause he was busy thinking of something else, staring at the empty space beside his bunny

After a few seconds, Sarah felt prince Elijah laying beside her but he was stiff as a board!

'This is the first time he is laying next to me!' Sarah grinned then moved herself to snuggle up to Prince Elijah which made him more tensed

"You can put your arm around me Eli" Sarah said, yawning. Sarah leaned her temple on the right side of his chest , prince Elijah's right hand was outstretched and frozen

When Prince Elijah did not make a move, Sarah took his hand and directed it to her waist

The look on Prince Elijah's face was priceless , it wasn't uncomfortable but he never was a fan of skin contact and his bunny was doing it so easily

The more he thought about it, the more he became pissed. The thought that his bunny had done this with someone else infuriated him to no end

Sarah's light tappings on his chest brought him out from his thoughts
"if you dont like this then push me away okay" Sarah said softly, Prince Elijah's body was still stiff and the hand on her waist was tense

"You are familiar with this type of contact" prince Elijah said, coldly . Sarah quirked an eyebrow, he rarely uses that tone on her "I listen to romance audio books, it sounded nice and warm to do it" she grinned up to him

"You can't do it to anyone else but me , okay bunny"

"How about grandma?"


"Roger, so can I always snuggle with you?"

Prince Elijah tighten his hold on her waist and pulled her more to his chest , she was almost on him

"You're like a big fluffy bear now" Sarah giggled "so Elijah can only snuggle with me too, okay"

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