Chapter 2

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I stand in front of my bathroom mirror, brushing my midnight black hair into a ponytail and tucking my side fringe behind my ear, careful not to catch it on my gold stud ear rings. I wipe moisturiser onto my pale face and over my light freckles. Then, i pull on my brown boots and pull down my tights, brushing my black dress down.

There's a knock at the door and i walk to answer it. My Uncle is stood in the doorway, his hammer in one hand, his cape and armour already on.

"Good morning." I smile, exposing my pearly white teeth.

"Good morning, Harriet. How are you?"

It annoys me so much that he calls me Harriet and not Hattie. I hate Harriet, its too girly and sounds like a princess. Why can't he call me Hattie?

"Im good, thanks. You?" I ask, closing my bedroom door as we walk down the corridor.

"Tired." He mutters.

"Did you have a night shift? You should have come to get me and i would have helped you." I point out.

"Harriet!" A deep voice bellows.

I stop abruptly as i hear him stomp behind me. I turn on my toes, smiling innocently.

Fury stamps in front of me, clicking his fists and his face tenses with anger behind his eye patch. I watch the anger burn in his eye.

He is so easy to annoy.

"How can i help you on this fine morning, Sir?" I smirk.

"What has my niece done now?" Thor asks, his voice deep and it fills the white corridor.

"She has stolen guns from the training room."

"It was me." Someone offers.

I feel the hand on the small of my back, signalling that i should keep quiet and stand down. Captain, Steve.

He stands beside me, crossing his arms but smiling down at me. He's dressed in his usual jeans and brown leather jacket, with a smile dancing on his face.

"Why did you steal the guns?" Fury questions to Steve, staring with confusion.

"We borrowed them. I was training Hattie, I forgot to put them back." Cap explains.

"Well, put them back." He demands and marches off.

"You've been training?" My Uncle Thor bellows.

I take a step back from him and bump into Cap behind me.

"It was my idea, Uncle. I don't want to be stuck in my room all day, I want to be outside." I point out.

"You can't go outside." Thor whispers, bowing his head.

"Why not? What is so dangerous about it? I've been out of this place and into the city five times in my life, Im 15 now. I don't like it." I argue, pushing past him.

I march down the corridor and down the metal stairs. I reach the canteen, a medium sized room underneath the dorms. It has a fridge full of energy and healthy drinks, another fridge that will contain sandwiches at lunch. But for breakfast, there is metal containers with lids that have eggs, bacon, beans and sausages. Next to it is a trolley with a row of toast and baskets of jam, butter and chocolate spread. There is also a bowl of fruit, containg shiny apples, oranges, bright bananas and red grapes. I grab a tray and a plate, walking along the food. I pick up an apple, some toast and jam, then a bottle of apple juice.

I sit in the usual seat with the Avengers, they all smile at me and ask how i am. I say that Im fine, but deep down Im fed up.

My Uncle sits two seats away from me, next to Natasha, one of the assassins like Clint. Steve sits beside me, with a huge plate of bacon, beans and sausages. Tony Stark stumbles in, grabbing a can of energy drink and placing the cold can against his forehead, obviously trying to get rid of his usual hangover.

I eat my breakfast and follow Steve to the training room, grabbing another apple on the way.

We walk into the normal training room, it has white walls and has a window opposite the entrance. There is a row of weapons on one side of the room, it holds gun, knives, beams, swords, shields and other SHIELD weapons.

We walk through and into the changing rooms. I go into the ladies, sitting on a wooden bench and putting on my black bodysuit and black fighting boots. I put on my shoulder holders and push in two beams.

Steve is already in the training room, in his Captain America suit with his star shield clipped onto his back. He throws me a few gas grenades and i push them onto my belt that swings on my hips.

"You ready?" Steve asks.


I step back, closer to the window behind me and i bend down, placing my fingertips on the floor. Steve presses the red button and Stark Iron Suits appear.

They race forward, palms facing me and they shoot, but the bullets are only chemicals that will put people to sleep. I jump, doing a somersault and landing behind them. The suits turn around, shooting again and march towards me. I duck under and slide through their legs, landing where i started and i stand up, pulling the wooden beams off my back so I block their shots.

Suddenly, everything goes black. Darkness. Panic rushes through me. A single light beams down and reveals a figure with its back to me, I take a step forward and try to reach for the knife clipped to the top of my thigh, but something stops me.

"Who are you?" I scream.

"Hello, Freyja. Its me. Don't you remember me?" He questions, still with his back to me.

"Who are you, please?"

"Hattie, wake up." Someone shouts from above.

I glance up, spinning on my toes and scanning my surroundings. The figure takes a step further away.

"Fehyja? Who's Freyja?" I quiz.

"You." He whispers.

Question race in my head, i try to talk but no words come out. I blink quickly and Im back in the training room.

Steve is leaning over me, his hand on my cheek and he's talking to me. Im sat where the vision ended, a warm liquid drips down my face and i look at Steve with a questioning look.

"I can't hear you!" I shout.

Captain stops talking, right as my Uncle Thor sprints in, his hammer ready and he walks over to me.

"Harriet, are you okay?" He asks, kneeling down beside Steve.

"I can hear you. Why can't i hear Steve?" I quiz.

"Tell me what happened."

"I blacked out, there was a figure and he called me Freyja. Then i woke up in the same place the vision ended and i can't hear Steve." I whisper, Thor nods and a look of realisation hits him.

"Is she okay?" Steve asks.

I smile as his voice returns.

"I can hear you now." I mumble.

"Can you stand up?" Uncle asks, offering his hands to me. I clasp my hands on his and he pulls me up.

My feet wobble underneath me but Steve helps me up aswell.

"What happened?" I question to my Uncle.

"I'll explain soon."

I walk behind my Uncle Thor as he leads me to the nurse, i keep my head low and Steve walks behind me, a few of the SHIELD workers stare at me as we walk past. Thor opens the door and i sit on the blue bed.

Opposite me is a cabinet and a few heart monitor machines, there's a desk with files on and a screen to see x-rays.

"Please tell me what just happened." I beg, using my puppy dog eyes on my Uncle.

"You just had a vision, it was like a dream but what happened in the vision you were doing in reality."

"Is that why i tried to pick up my knife and something stopped me?"

"I stopped you." Cap interrupts.

"Uncle, will it happen again?"

"Maybe, i do not know." He mumbles and walks out, closing the white door behind him.

"Who is Freyja? He said it was me."

"That's what you name means in another language. Don't worry about it, kid." Steve explains.

The nurse walks in, carrying a file with my name on and she flicks through it. She's dressed in blue scrubs and has her brown hair tied into a bun. She smiles at me.

"Do you feel dizzy or sick?" She asks.

"No." I mutter, being honest.

"Good. Right, this will sting but that cut needs disinfecting."

Cut? How did i cut my head?

She picks up a steel bowl of water and a carton of clear liquid. She wipes the liquid over my left eyebrow and then washes it with water. It stings and tingles, right to the bone and i bite my lip to stop myself shouting. The nurse then sticks some crocodile stitches on my eyebrow and writes in my file.

"If you do feel dizzy or sick you need to rest. But, you will be fine." She explains.

"Thank you." I mutter.

"You can go now."

I jump off the bed and walk out of the room, Steve follows and glances down at me occasionally with a confused look.

"You should go back to your room." Steve suggests.

"Ugh! Do i have to?" I ask, smiling and battering my eyelashes.


"Will you bring me lunch later?"

"Of course."

I walk down the corridor to my bedroom and Steve walks the opposite way. I open the door and lock it behind me.

The walls are pale pink, almost white, against the wall is my single bed with my pink checked duvet cover. On the end is a old brown teddy bear with a black scarf that my Uncle says is from my father. To the side is another door for my bathroom and next to that door is my wardrobe and a chest of drawers. At the head of my bed, next to it is a wooden desk with my laptop, a desk lamp, some drawers. Next to the desk is a tower of boxes containing my work books and pens, I have to go to another room for my lessons.

As Im the only child to ever be raised by SHIELD, i need to have lessons and learn about the world. But i am a really smart girl so i know most things, but apparently that doesn't matter.

On the wall opposite the end of my bed is a collage of photos, i print them off and stick them to the wall. One day, i hope the whole wall will be covered in the photos. Most are me and Thor or me and Steve, but there are also photos of all the Avengers and some of the workers.

I lounge on my bed, crossing my right leg over my left and i lay down, picking up the teddy bear. My fingers brush the fur, the softness rubbing against my fingertips. My Uncle doesn't talk about my parents, he said that they were dangerous so i couldn't be with them and he said he always felt bad about taking me away from them, but it was for the best.

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