Chapter 9

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I can't concentrate in my tutor session with Mr Livingston. My mind is working in the background to figure out how Im linked to Freyja and now Im worrying about the results to that test. 

Stark was lying about everything being normal, it can't be normal because Im not normal. I've proved it. Im not normal, Im not human. 

The numbers on my page jump out at me, spinning in my head as i try to figure out the equation. 

"Im sorry Mr L, i can't do this." I whisper. 

He sends me a questioning look, not sure what to say. 

"You don't need to apologise Hattie. Everyone learns at different speeds. What is it you can't do?" He slowly asks, sitting in the seat beside me and pushing up his glasses. 

"Any of it. I can't concentrate." I admit. 

"Has something happened that is worrying you?" 

"Sort of, but its something no one can help with. Can i do this as homework?" I bribe him. 

Mr L looks at me with a shocked face. I've never asked for homework. 

"Of course, bring it to me whenever you finish it." 

I take the sheet and my book, then walk out of the room. I stroll down the corridor and open my bedroom door, i lock it behind me. I place my maths book and sheets into my work box. 

I sit on the edge of my bed, glancing out the window as rain drops pelter onto the glass pane. The water trickles down and leaves a trail behind. 

I stand up, open the door, close it behind me and walk down the stairs, to the bottom floor. The smell of pizza fills my nose, making me hungry. I stroll into the canteen, Im the first one here and i grab a tray. I see the pizza and ask for cheese on top of it, the dinner lady kindly puts some on for me and i sit at one of the white canteen tables. I crunch on my pizza and out of the corner of my eye i see Steve marching down the corridor. 

He sits beside me, watching me eat and i see he's agitated, shaking his leg when he's nervous. 

"What?" I ask, putting the pizza down and glaring at him. 

"Your tutor said you were upset in his lesson. Is it to do with your Uncle?" He slowly questions. 

I ignore him and continue to eat. 

"Hatz, why were you upset." 

"Its to do with a lot of things." I admit, not making eye contact. 

I finish my pizza, put the plate and tray with the others in the rack, then walk to the fridge, i grab a can of energy drink and march out of the canteen, leaving Steve sat on his own. 

"Hattie, wait." He shouts after me. 

I stop abruptly and feel him bump into me, i hide my laugh. 

"You said to wait." I point out. 

We walk down the corridor and i open the door to outside. Steve stops by the door and looks at me questioningly. 

"I love the rain, lets do sumersaults." I suggest, pushing open the door and stepping outside. 

The rain trickles onto my face and falls to my lips, drenching my hair. I stand on the edge of the fountain, its open with no trees so all the rain drops on me. I raise my hands and lean my head back. 

"Please tell me why you're upset, Hattie." Steve begs. 

I lower my head and look at his puppy dog eyes. 

"I like puppies, but i don't like it when people do the puppy dog face." I admit. 

"Okay. Then tell me why you are upset." 

"What does it matter, Steve? Its nothing you can do." 

"Tell me anyway. I want to know." 

"Just things. My Uncle, moving is stressful, now everyone knows i have a power. Im just stressed." I explain. 

I jump off the fountain, place my can of drink on the stone fountain edge and bend my knees. I jump, placing my hands beside me and force my body over, doing a full sumersault and landing in front of Steve. 

"When do you want to move in?" He asks, smiling and exposing his pearly white teeth. 

"I don't mind."  


"Sure." I agree. 

"I still have to come here everyday and you too for lessons. But living in a normal home will hopefully help you relax." He explains. 

"Hopefully?" I question. 

"You are unpredictable." He jokes. 

Suddenly, Steve does a sumersault and lands behind me, laughing. I jump off the fountain with my left foot and do two in a row flips and land with my back against a tree. I raise my arms in the air, grinning. 

"Ta-da!" I shout. 

Steve grins and does a back flip, landing right in front of me and i have to take a step back. 

"Careful." I scold. 

"Im going to get dinner. I'll talk to you later." 

I grab the can of drink and lay on my back on the path, rain falls on my face and it gets heavier, hitting me like punches. 

Freyja? She's a goddess of love, war, death and gold. Why did the figure call me Freyja. Im not a goddess. 

I have to see the figure again. 

I need to have another vision.

A few hours later and all the Avengers have been called into a meeting, most probably about me because Im mainly their responsibility. Im dressed in my joggers and Steve's blue hoodie. My clock says its 8pm, so i quietly close the door behind me and slip my phone into my pocket. I pull my hood up and tiptoe down the corridor. Slowly, i step down the stairs and trudge through the wet garden, the grass sticking to my boots.  

The door creaks open as i tiptoe up the concrete stairs, I reach the same floor i was on earlier and i open the door to the room. Quietly, I close the door behind me, pulling my hood down. I walk over to the computer, brushing my hands across the glass box. I stand in front of the computer, my fingers dancing across the keyboard and quickly install a virus. The virus takes over, breaking through the firewall and automatically unlocking all the data. I find the folder named "Harriet" and quickly scan through the document, I open the data sheet from the test i had earlier. 

My heart rate is high, my brain waves are extremely higher then a humans and my bone structure is a lot stronger. I scroll down and read Tony's notes. 

"Shows clear signs of mutation, most probably inherited." i read aloud. 

Inheritance? My parents are mutants? 

I push in my memory stick and copy all the files in the folder onto my memory stick. I quickly pull it out and tiptoe out of the room. 

I then walk into the control room and start to quietly amble through. I hear a sigh behind me and quickly spin on the spot. 

Agent Colson is sat at one of the computers, his back to it and staring at me with questioning eyes. 

"What trouble are you getting into now Hattie?" He questions. 

"Nothing, Sir. I was going to get a drink of water, but the kitchen is closed." I lie, smiling innocently. 

"Here." He offers, looking under his desk and pulling out a bottle of water. Colson throws it to me and i catch it in my left hand. 

"Thanks." I mumble.

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