Chapter 27

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A warm wet liquid on my face pulls me awake. I giggle and push Ace away lightly, he continues to lick at my cheeks.

"Good morning Ace." I whisper, scratching behind his left ear.

I quickly jump in the shower and pull on a simple black dress that reaches my knees, brushing my hair into a high ponytail with my side fringe down.

There's a knock at the door, I watch Ace race over to it while barking and scratching at the wood.

"Ace. Ace, come here. Calm down." I order, walking to the door and scooping him into my arms.

I open the door to my Uncle, in his usual red armour with his cape over his shoulders. He leans out a hand and strokes Ace's head.

"Good morning, Harriet." He says, his voice deep and bellowing.

"Good morning, Uncle."

"I have a surprise for you. We are going somewhere special."

"Where?" I question.

"You are going to meet your grandparents." Uncle announces.

I hold back a gasp. Uncle always talks about my grandparents, I've begged him countless times to let me see them, but he constantly said yes.

"Yay! Yes!" I squeal, jumping and Ace starts to bark in my arms.

"Ace will have to stay here, but Steve offered to look after him."

"I'm so excited! When can we go?"

"Whenever you are ready." Uncle points out, hiding a smile.

"Now. Let's go now."

My Uncle nods and walks down the corrdior, I close my door and skip after him with Ace still in my arms. We catch the elevator onto the ground floor and all of the Avengers are stood by the entrance.

"You left this in the hall." Steve announces, handing my red cape.

"Thanks, I'll wear it now"

"Give Ace to Steve, Harriet." My Uncle orders, glancing over at me.

I nod, placing Ace into Steve's open arms. I wrap my cape over my shoulders and tie it under my chin.

"Be good, Ace." I whisper into his ear, scratching his fur. He responds by licking my cheek.

"Are you ready?" Uncle asks.

"Yeah. Bye." I shout, waving to the Avengers.

Wind whips around me, blowing my cape and clothes. My Uncle raises his hammer into the air and we lift off the ground. I clutch my Uncle and he wraps his left arm around my waist.

Suddenly, we land. My feet hit metal and I glance down to see I'm stood on pure gold with flowers engraved on it. My uncle looks down at me, chuckling quietly. I glance up to see a man dressed in gold in the middle of the room, he has a gold metal hat on and he clutches a sword. All around me are gates made of gold that whir like machines.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"This is Asgard, your home." Uncle Thor says.

"Welcome back, Sir." The guard announces, his voice bouncing off the golden walls, deep like Thor.

"Thank you, Heimdall. This is Harriet." Uncle introduces, placing his hand on my back.

"Your father is waiting for you, Sir."

"Thank you."

Uncle takes my hand and leads me down a gold bridge, it sparkles blue and red glitter. I look over the side and see dark clouds, nothing else but emptiness.

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