Chapter 10

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My alarm rings in my ears, pulling me out of my sleep. I roll over, slamming my fingers against the off button on my phone, i sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. 

I jump in the shower, pull on dress, tights and boots. I then place my trainers in the final opened box and selotape it shut. 

I close my door behind me as i walk down the stairs to the canteen. Clint and Natasha are already sat at a table, in deep conversation and laughing. I bet that they will be in a relationship within a year. 

I get a plate of bacon and some toast, then sit beside Clint. He turns and smiles at me, making me smile back as i dig into the sweet bacon. 

"How's the packing going?" Natasha asks. 

"Done." I answer and they stare at me with wide eyes. 

"Are you leaving today?" Clint questions. 


"How are you feeling about it?" 

"Excited but nervous. I'm going to miss SHIELD." I explain. 

"You still have to come back everyday for lessons." Clint points out. 

"I know, but it will be different." 

I finish my bacon and walk back up to my bedroom. I leave my bedroom door open and sit on my bed, glancing around my room. 

All my photos are off the walls, all ornaments are packed away, clothes and shoes are in boxes too. My bedroom looks bare, all my life possessions put away within a few cardboard boxes. 

There's a knock at the door, I look up to see Steve stood in the doorway, his hands in his jean pockets and a smile on his lips. 

"You all packed?" Steve asks. 


"Do you want to go now? I cancelled your lessons for today so you can unpack if you want. You don't have to." He suggests. 


I stand up, bending and picking up two boxes. Steve steps beside me and picks up the other three boxes. We carry them out of the door, I follow Steve down the corridor and walk down the stairs. We reach the canteen, marching past the Avengers that are sat around a table and out into the garden. We stroll through the garden, through SHIELD main building and around the corner into the car park. Steve's black Mercedes is parked beside Tony's ferari and he opens the boot. He places the three boxes into the boot and i put the final two on the back seats. He then closes the car and we go back into the main building. 

The Avengers are stood by the entrance door, smiling. Clint steps towards me, placing a black case in front of me and i glance at him with a confused look. 

"Its my old one, I've got a new one." He explains. 

I open the black case to reveal a glossy black laptop. 

"Thank you so much." I reply as i hug him. Clint tenses at first, but then hugs me back. I then make my way down the line, hugging each Avenger. First Clint, then Doctor Banner. Then Natasha. 

"Im going to miss shopping for you." She whispers against my ear. 

"We can always go together." I point out, smiling. 

Then i hug Tony. 

"Thanks again for the stereo." I whisper. 

"Its fine, don't get into any trouble." He warns and i lightly punch him in the shoulder. 

Fury marches in, a phone against his ear and he passes it to me. 

"It's your Uncle." He announces. 

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