Chapter 29

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"Don't try talking to me, I am not listening." I hiss at Steve, pushing past him.

"Hatz, please. I said I was sorry."

"That doesn't change anything!" I argue.

I push my way off the plane and into the air vehicle station. Bowing my head and pulling my red hood over, I march my way through the crowd of engineers that wait to assess the ship after we've used it. I catch the elevator down to my bedroom. Walking through the hall, I notice a few streaks of tinsel from the tree scatter the floor. Christmas was two days ago. It was a good Christmas considering everything that happened.

Please let Loki be okay. He's proved that he's changed, he risked his life to save me and he's probably dead now. Took his life to save me. He is my father and he has my trust.

"Can you please just give me one more vision? One more please." I shout, glancing around the empty hall, the Christmas tree in view.


"You've earned my trust now. You've proved it. Please don't die, father." I whisper, sitting on the wooden floor and crossing my legs.

Ace sprints in, skidding into my left knee on the wood. He splats onto the floor with a sneeze and rubs his nose on my tights.

"Hey, buddy." I mutter, holding my blood covered hands up, staring at the redness that makes the creases in my skin stand out.

"Thor, stop. She's still upset. Don't go in there." I hear someone order.

Standing up, I race to the door to the dorm floor and swing it open. My Uncle is stood in the doorway, his fist up and ready to knock on the door. His eyes run over me and I see blood on his cheek and hands. The same blood that is drowning my hands. I place my palms on my Uncle's armour that covers his chest, my eyes lock with his.

"Did you save him? Is he okay?" I question, tears filling my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Harriet."

My heart skips a beat. He gave his life for me to live, to prove I can trust him. I can't use that trust because he's not here anymore. Tears instantly hit my eyes, I stare straight at my blood hand print on my Uncle's armour, the colour forcing my print to stand up.

"No. He can't. No." I mumble.

"I'm so sorry." My Uncle mutters, but the words mean nothing to me.

I could have helped him. I could have done something. If only...i fought to stay by his side instead if being dragged off by someone who is in a group that promises to protect everyone. Useless promises.

"Steve." I hiss under my breath.

Shoving my Uncle out of my way, I ball my hands into fists and march into the corridor. Around the table in the hall, Clint, Natasha, Tony and Bruce stand, Tony has his hand on Steve's shoulder. I see him shake but he deserves it. He killed my father.

"Hattie?" Natasha asks, her eyes hitting mine as I wipe the determined tears from my eyes.

Everyone turns to me, Steve gradually stands up his eyes fixing on me and tears trickle down his cheeks.

"You killed him. If you hadn't have dragged me away, I could have saved him." I point out through clenched teeth.

I instantly pounce on Steve, pinning him against the wall with my blood drenched hands around his neck. He gasps quickly but doesn't fight me. he gives up fighting. In one swift move I pull the gun from my ankle and place the metal against his left temple. His eyes don't leave mine empty.

"No!" One of the Avengers shouts at me, fear icing their voice.

"You killed him. You call yourself an Avenger. You called me an Avenger. You don't know the meaning of the word."

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