Chapter 20

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Loki slides open the letterbox hole and offers a tray containing a bottle of water, some bread and a packet of biscuits. I stand up, my body still dizzy from another needle of blood they took this morning after knocking me out again. I cross my arms and glare at him. Loki sighs and pushes the tray towards me more, sending me a threatening look. 

"Hattie, you have to eat." He points out. 

I refuse to answer and stare at him. 

"You need to eat. We had to knock you unconscious and it takes your strength away." Loki explains, glaring at me with his emerald eyes. 

I ignore him again and watch the frustration build inside him. I fight back my laughter as the anger burns in his eyes. 

"Hattie. Don't push me. You need to eat." He demands. 

I shake my head and he pulls the tray out, closing the slider. I watch as he storms out, his cape flowing behind him as his heavy boots clunk away. I smile and sit down on the cold white floor. My stomach rumbles slightly as the food is carried away. 

"Why won't you eat?" A man asks. 

I turn to the entrance to see Axel stomping in, wearing his black battle clothes. 

"Not hungry." 

"We've had to knock you unconscious three times recently. This will have decreased your strength. You must eat to keep your strength." He explains, stepping towards the control panel. 

"Why? So you can take more of my blood and make a bigger army?" I question, watching him stand in front of the entrance door, holding a piece of bread. 

I take a step back from him as the doors spring open, he marches in and the doors close behind him. Anger sparkles in Axel's eyes as i try to pull away. 

He pins me against the transparent wall, grabbing my chin and staring at me. I scratch my nails down his arm and try to kick him, but he tightens his grab. 

"Open your mouth." Axel demands. 

I glare at him, tears springing at my eyes but i don't do as he asks. 

His fingers grip my jaw, i glance hopefully at him but he looks back with pure hatred dancing across his face. 

"Don't make me ask again." He threatens. 

Slowly, I open my mouth and he smirks slightly, i instantly close my mouth again. 

"Big mistake little girl." He teases. 

Axel lifts me off the ground with one hand on my chin, i kick my feet against it but i can't break free. My breaths become quick as i start to panic, my skin going clammy. His fingers travel up my jaw and my mouth opens on its own accord. Axel smiles and pushes a piece of bread between my lips. 

"Chew." He demands. 

I glare at him with hate as a single tear drops from my left eye and lands on his hand. 

"Now." He orders. 

Gradually, i chew at a slow pace and the bread breaks down on my tongue. 

"Axel!" A voice bellows. 

He instantly pulls away, turning to the sound of the voice. He drops my body from the air, i fall down and sit on the floor. I pull my knees to my chest and glare at him through tears. 

Loki steps into the room, glancing between me and Axel. 

"You should keep an eye on your people." I point out, not making eye contact with anyone but the floor. 

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