Chapter 30

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Knocking on the navy wooden door, my Uncle opens it and smiles, raising a hand to gesture me inside. All of the Avengers are sat around the glass table, Tony putting his phone in his pocket, Natasha placing her hand on her hip, Clint looking worried, Bruce leaning back in his chair and Steve is sat the furthest away, leaning his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together in front of him.

"Take a seat, Harriet." My Uncle orders.

I slowly pull out the nearest leather chair and sit down, keeping my head low.

"Harriet, we know you are feeling emotional and confused. That's understandable. But, we need you stay out of trouble, because if you don't Fury will be after you and will not let your behaviour be accepted. We understand that you are upset and angry, but you need to find a less dangerous and troublesome way of showing it." My Uncle explains, his voice small and soothing. Unusual.

I look up at him, my eyes full of tears. He smiles. Smiles. Does he not care? His own brother was murdered and it doesn't seemed to have affected him.

"Do you not care? Your brother is dead and you are saying that you understand I am upset? You have no idea! Obviously you don't care about your brother." I argue, standing up so quick that I have to grip the glass table to hold myself up.

"I do care. I care more then you think. I am purposely hiding my feelings so you don't react to them, so you don't see how weak I really am, Harriet. Of course I care." He answers.


"Sir, we have a situation." I hear a computer voice bellow in the room. Tony jumps and everyone turns to him. He pulls out an ear piece and fits it in place.

"Go, Jarvis...well, where's the source? Here?" Tony speaks, everyone glances at him. Confusion dancing across his face. "Jarvis has detected a reading of the tesseract, he says it's in here."

"Here? How is that possible?" Uncle questions.

Suddenly, I feel my necklace vibrate against my chest under my jumper. I begin to fidget slightly, stepping towards the door.

"Hatz, are you okay?" Steve asks, raising his head to me.


Tony pulls out his phone and it begins to beep loudly, until it brushes in front of me, beeping constantly. Everyone's eyes burn into me. Uncle takes a step forward, his hand raising and running along the black material that holds my necklace up. He lifts it and the necklace is revealed, shining brightly in the middle of the metal plate.

"Where did you receive this?" He asks, his voice deep and bellowing again.

"A Christmas present." I whisper, holding my breath as my Uncle's fingertips brushes the metal.


"My father." I mutter.

My Uncle tightens his grip on my necklace. I instantly pull away from him and take a step back, wrapping my fingers around the metal.

"This is the only thing I have. Don't take it away. Please."

"Harriet, you do not understand the power this contains. It is too dangerous to leave this in your possession." Uncle explains.

"No. You are not having this. This necklace is mine." I argue.


Uncle pulls my hand away from the necklace and takes it in his hand. Suddenly, many thoughts hit me. Various ways to get out of his grip and throw him on the floor until he passes out. I grab his wrist, twisting it and pinning his hand against his back. I then push my Uncle and he stumbles forward, giving me enough time to sprint out of the room. I race down the thirteen flights of concrete stairs until I reach reception. Glancing around, I hear my Uncle shouting my name and a few of the workers ambling past stare at me. Quickly, I see the only way out. Running through the entrance glass doors, I skip across the car park and onto the main road.

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