Chapter 23

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My legs swing in front of me, then back, then forward again. I can't stop the giggles that escape my 6 year old lips as the wind blows across my face. Steve laughs behind me and pushes me harder on the swing.


Pink wrapped presents are arranged under the towering decorated, sparkly Christmas tree. I sprint down the white corridor, my dressing gown swaying behind me. Skidding on my socks, I slide to a halt and jump onto the wooden floor.

"Harriet, calm down." Uncle demands, wiping the sleep out of his exhausted eyes.

I glance up at him, my eyes full of curiosity and the excitement bubbling in my veins. Natasha skips behind me after i ran ahead, followed by Clint. Doctor Banner smiles as he falls onto the leather sofa opposite and Stark sits beside him. Steve is the last in, sitting with his legs crossed next to me. He rubs his hands together in excitement.

"Which one did Santa leave for me?" He asks, rummaging through.

"You don't get one, Cap. You were naughty." Tony scolds.

"No, I was good but I don't have one." Steve complains, crossing his arms.

I look up, seeing sadness burn in his lively eyes. Wrapping my arms around his neck and locking my legs around his waist, i hug him tightly and hear him sigh in my ear.

"There's your Christmas present!" I squeal, pulling away.

But, Steve holds onto me and starts to tickle my ribs. I kick and giggle against him.

"Merry Christmas, Hatz." He says, kissing my cheek and pulling my 7 year old body into his lap as he places a purple wrapped present in front of me.


"Happy Birthday, kid." Tony smiles, handing me a purple spotty bag.

I prise it open, unwrapping the white tissue paper to reveal a beautiful silver bracelet with a silver heart hanging off it.

"Pepper chose it, so if you don't like it, blame her." He explains.

"No, I love it. Thank you." I grin.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to Hattie. Happy Birthday to you!" The Avengers sing, placing the delicious chocolate cake in front of me. I lean forward, blowing out the pink lit candles. The flame disappears and smoke floats in the air.

In front of me, I notice my Uncle walking out of the garden, his red cape floating behind him.

"Uncle!" I shout after, pulling my chair out and sprinting after him.

Uncle Thor stops, spinning on his toes to face me.

"Where are you going? To get my present?" I ask hopefully, grinning as he hadn't showed it to me yet.

"No, sorry, Little One. I have to go on an emergency." Uncle admits.

I look up, the tears springing to my eyes. Lies. His eyes dart away from me and he carries marching on.

"Hattie?" Steve asks, appearing behind me.

I turn around, wiping the tears from my 10 year old cheeks and embarrassment fills me.

"Oh, Hatz." Steve whispers, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pulling me against his chest.

After a few minutes, I pull away, Steve scans me up and down. I glance over his shoulder to see worried and sympathetic faces on the Avengers. I smile and walk down the hallway, pushing my hands into my shorts pockets.

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