Chapter 16

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I pull my blue hood over my head, keeping my eyes low as i race through reception and into the elevator. I reach the right floor and slip down the white corridor.

In front of me is the transparent prison cell, the man is sat on the floor and staring at the window on the far wall. I pull down my hood as i step into his view.

"Good morning." The man says, his voice deep and full of confidence.

"Morning." I reply.

"How are you?" He asks.

"Im okay thank you. What about you?"

"Bored." He complains and i hide a smirk.

"Everything would be easier if you talked to people and answered our questions." I point out.

I sit in front of him, crossing my legs underneath me and watching him. His black hair is stuck up at odd angles and his face is tense.

"They threaten me and i hate that. You aren't so threatening." He admits.

"Okay, then. What's your name?"

"I don't tell people my name." He mutters.

"I understand. Can i ask you something that Im curious to know the answer to?"


"Who's Freyja?"

He raises his head to my level, his eyes full of confusion and question.

"You don't know?" He quizzes.

"No, I don't and I want to know, please." I beg.

"I can't tell you."

I stand up, sighing and march out of the room.

I hear a cough behind me and i turn to see Tony stood in front of me with his arms crossed. His eyes scan me up and down as he shakes his head.

"Should you be here?" He asks.

"Should you?" I quiz.

"Yes, because Im allowed to be here. What did he tell you?"

"That you all threaten him and he talks to me because Im not threatening." I explain.

"Hattie! Hatz, help!" I hear Steve shouting in my ear.

I turn, glancing around and see nothing. My heart now pounding like a drum out of rhythm in confusion.

"Are you alright?" Tony asks.

I face him, his eyes full of question and concern.

"Steve's in trouble. I need you to take me home now." I demand.

"Ill grab my keys."

Tony's car speeds down the road, swerving around other cars and the speed cameras behind us beep. My mind panics, my body shaking slightly as we pull down the driveway.

The house has smoke floating out of it, glass smashes loudly and i climb out of the car in a rush. My heart jumps into my throat as I scan the ruining house.

"Steve!" i scream as loud as i can.

I place my palms on my hip and use my power to smash the downstairs window. Smoke and ash jumps out and we both duck. I climb through the window, pulling the top of my hoodie over my nose and mouth as i step through the living room. The heat burns my skin through my clothes as fire alarms ring in my ears.

"Steve?" I shout as i jump over the sofa and go to the stairs.

I crawl up to the carpet stairs, the heat seeping into my hands. I reach the top, still crawling across the hallway.

"Steve! Steve, where are you?"

I hear a cough coming from his bedroom, behind the closed door.

"Hatz, get out. You've got to get out of the house!" Steve shouts from behind the door.

"Stand back." I order.

I stand up, my feet wobbling from the heat as i use my power to smash the door down. Steve is stood with his t-shirt over his mouth and i can tell he is relieved at seeing me. A deep cut is on his left cheek under his eye and there's another bleeding cut along his nose and it drips onto his lips.

"Are you okay?" Steve shouts and i nod.

I grab his hand, pulling him through the bedroom door and we race to the top of the stairs. The steps have collapsed down onto the floor and we can see the fire dancing up to us, the red bright as blood. I drag Steve into my room and we jump over my bed. I push open the balcony doors and the morning breeze floats in, pushing the smoke back a little.

"You're going to think Im crazy." I shout as i stand on the concrete wall around the balcony. Steve glances at me with fear filled eyes and i smile slightly.

We jump, gliding through the air and landing in the pool as the whole house explodes behind us.

Water fills my mouth and trickles into my lungs as my head hits the bottom of the pool. I watch as Steve swims up, a trail of blood following him. My leg catches on a piece of metal, weighing me down. I fight and try to pull away, but more water fills my lungs in my attempt.

My body gives up and i float to the bottom of the pool, covered by bricks, metal and everything from the house.

The water stops my breathing.

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