Chapter 28

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Darkness fills me. I can't see anything. I can smell bitter blood and it burns my nose. Slowly and carefully, I take a step forward into the dark, feeling first.

"Hatz?" A small and pain filled voice reaches out.


I take a few more steps forward, my heart racing as my senses grow stronger. In front I see a single stream of light. I step forward and gasp.

Steve is lying on the floor in a pool of his blood, his face is not recognisable from the mess of blood. I sprint over to him and kneel by his head.

"Steve? Steve? Can you hear me? please." I beg, tears trickling down my cheeks.

"Hatz. Run." He whispers, spitting out blood.

"Little Harriet Freyja." A voice sings.

"What did you do?" I scream.

I feel Steve's breath slow. I panic. My tears fall onto his shirt.

"Steve, stay awake. Please."

I feel his last breath on my cheek. I clutch his head and place my cheek against his.

I look up to see Loki stood with a knife in his hand. Blood drips from the tip of the metal and lands on the dark floor.



Sitting bolt upright, I run my trembling hands over my face, wiping the tears away.

The door is burst open as Uncle sprints in, wearing a brown hood and waving his hammer. Sif follows him with her sword up. Hogan, Volstagg and Fandral stumble in, glancing around the room with worry.

"Harriet, are you okay? Are you hurt?" My Uncle questions, placing his hand on my shoulder as the soldiers glance around the room.

"No, I'm fine." I mumble, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"We heard you screaming."

"I had a nightmare." I mumble. The soldiers stop looking around the room and glance over at me.

"There is no threat. You should all leave." Thor demands.

The soldiers nod, marching out of the room and grumbling under their breath.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to wake everyone." I apologise.

My Uncle sits on the edge of the bed, beside me and places his hammer on the stone ground. He pulls the blanket back and slips into the bed beside me, wrapping his arms around my back and pulling me against him.

"What was the nightmare?" Uncle asks.

"Loki killed Steve." I whisper.

"I will never let your father kill anyone else." Uncle promises, planting a light kiss on my forhead.

"Can you keep that promise?"

"I will. Do you want me to stay with you?"

"Yes please, Uncle."

Thor lays down, pulling me beside him and he wraps the blanket around us. After a few minutes his breaths get heavy and I know he's fallen asleep. Soon, I follow.


A blinding light wakes me. My Uncle is stood by the window pulling open the curtains. He glances over at me and smiles.

"Did you sleep better?" Uncle asks.

I sit up in bed and rub the sleep out of my eyes. I didn't dream this time. it was just dark.

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